NR | 06 February 2009 (USA)
Polytechnique Trailers

A dramatization of the Montreal Massacre of 1989 where several female engineering students were murdered by an unstable misogynist.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
diomavro I know its supposed to be a true story so the material is bounded as to what it can provoke but nonetheless this is insufficient. It feels like this is trying to give feminists a purpose instead of trying to give humanity to its characters. The shooter is just a misogynist from top to bottom and everyone else is a nice and balanced person. This just isn't good movie material. I will say I enjoyed the way this movie was filmed however, quite stylish with some nice shots in the school especially the rotation around its characters. No offense but anyone who actually thinks that its likely that somebody would tell a female engineer she should re-consider because she is a woman in AN INTERVIEW is downright delusional, especially in Canada where something like this would probably cause a media outrage, a little offhand comment is plausible but somebody expanding to that detail was just nonsense. This is nitpicking but this nonsense kind of pulled me out of the film. The dude who killed himself is only in the movie so we can see him kill himself, such teleological picking doesn't make for a good narrative, at the very least we should have seen some more of his emotional struggles. Its such a shame because this director has talent.
SnoopyStyle In December 6, 1989, disgruntled 25-year-old student Marc Lépine shoot 28 people and then killed himself in École Polytechnique in Montreal. He aims his anger at feminists and blames his failures on them. This is a dramatized version of the true events. Maxim Gaudette plays the unnamed killer. Valérie (Karine Vanasse), Stéphanie (Evelyne Brochu) and Jean-François (Sébastien Huberdeau) are fellow mechanical engineering students and friends. The film follows these four characters before, during and after the incident.Director Denis Villeneuve shots this in black and white. It gives a cold feel to the movie. I think the killer's writing is chilling but the minutia of the fellow students' lives are boring. The only exception is the interview for the internship. The black and white is quite effective during the shooting incident. There are a lot of comparison to Gus Van Sant's Elephant. The main difference for me is that this is a real incident. I almost never call for a strict reenactment but this needs that kind of detail. I would prefer that the 20 minutes shooting spree be recreated perfectly.
Sindre Kaspersen Denis Villeneuve's second feature film is a respectable and redeeming depiction of a true incident that occurred on the sixth of December in 1989 when a young man walked into a technical high school in Montreal and shoot fourteen female students before he pointed the gun at himself. In the suicide note he left behind, he called himself a rationalist who's had his life ruined by feminists.School tragedy's has happened more frequently in the United States, Germany and Finland than any other countries, and been documented by filmmakers such as Michael Moore, Gus Van Sant and Ilmar Raag. In Denis Villeneuve's dramatization of the massacre that occurred 21 years ago at Èscole Polytechnique in Canada, the story is seen from three different points of view and told from two contrasting voice-overs which represents both sides of the story. The Canadian director's use of non-linear narrative and persistent changes of pace gives this film the intensity one often experiences in thrillers, and with the hand-held camera movements, the abrupt takes and sound-mixing, Denis Villeneuve takes the viewer's straight into the minds of the characters who who represents the people who were involved in the incident."Polytechnique" is based on the survivors' stories and seen from the point of view of one perpetrator, one victim and one survivor. It's filmed in black-and-white and conveyed through a skilled film language which distances the viewer's from the emotional impact that a documentary might have had, something it manages to do without reducing it's credibility. With his reasoned and lyrical screenplay, Jacques Davidts gives life to the three central characters that where fictionalized in respect of the victims and the survivors of this horrible tragedy. These three characters are credibly portrayed by three good Canadian actors who makes this fictitious reconstruction of a tragic incident an authentic fictional film through their understated performances. What makes "Polytechnique" as good as it is, is that it early on drags it's focus away from the tragedy and dedicates as much time to what took place before and after, and even though it is strongest when it comes to the technical aspects and the narrative, this stringently structured film which deals with severe and controversial themes, is essentially an ode to the victims and the survivors of this horrible incident which unfortunately is only one of many similar incidents that are happening all over the world.
kosmasp The movie starts off with a bang and if you don't know what this is about (like me when I watched this, I hadn't read anything about it), then you will be awed by this very strong beginning. While it's almost like a documentary, it is very strong and has very good natural performances! It's not for the faint hearted and it will be a very intense and strange watching experience. You can't say that it will entertain you in the normal sense of that word, but it will be gripping and it will be a movie that you won't forget that easily. Whether you like it or not, it is grim and it is down and dirty.