| 17 November 2014 (USA)
Polis Trailers

Set in the distant future, POLIS is a sci-fi thriller about David Porter, a young telepath whose search for his mother threatens to uncover a utopian society's horrifying secrets.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Kirpianuscus A beautiful mix between technology, a good idea and well known things from Sci Fi area. not impressive. but touching. and enough for questions and theories. clean, correct, reminding a summer rain its remarkable side - the looking of child for his mother and the old trap of illusion who, after you escape, transforms the vision about things - the last scene does that in admirable manner. so, a beautiful film. at each of its levels.
bob the moo In the future a telepath searches for his mother. Lost in a desolate world of his own making, he thinks he has found her on a remote shore, however his discovery is not his alone.That this film is written and directed by Steven Ilous is something that will probably not mean anything to most of us at first, but is worth a look to see his other works since this will tell you a lot about this short. I did this after watching Polis but I was not surprised to find that he is overwhelming in the world of visual effects. This is not to say there is anything wrong with that, but just then that it should probably not be a surprise to find that Polis is very much about its design and look. To those that watch a lot of short films, there may be a certain wariness and weariness with short films which are futuristic sci-fi's coming from people with a background in VFX – mainly because so many of them are calling cards or proof of concept shorts rather than projects in their own right.I do not know for Polis what is the case, but it does feel like a short make to show that they could. As such I do admit that it works on the level it aims for – which is style. The design looks good, the ideas are nice and generally everything looks good (even if the robots at the end are perhaps not as fluid as you would like). On top of this we have very familiar ideas which helps the short because most viewers will bring lots of other films into this one due them knowing where we are already; this is not an excuse for the lack of content, but there is a certain shorthand usefulness to the concepts of a controlling government, a character with special powers fighting back, and so on. The delivery is also generally good, in particular I liked the electronic score and felt it worked well.So, lots of it does work, but only in the limited ways it sets out to do so. The effects and design of the short is good, and all looks like a more polished and expensive product than it is, but the problem is that it is nothing more than this, with only an interest in the superficial aspects and nothing really beyond this.