Police Story 2
Police Story 2
PG-13 | 13 October 1988 (USA)
Police Story 2 Trailers

The Hong Kong super-cop must stop a group of blackmailing bombers at the same time that the villains of the first Police Story are out for revenge.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Mopkin TheHopkin Police Story 2 is the second film in a series directed by, and starring Jackie Chan. It follows goofy Hong Kong ubercop Chan Ka Kui as he continues his policing career. In this film, a group of deranged bombers targets a large corporation for ransom, or else the bombers will commit act of terror on populated buildings they own. Chan, however, has been relegated to traffic cop, after his expensive and dangerous antics from the last film. He also has to contend with thugs hired by a drug-kingpin he has thrown in jail. To complicate manners, he has a falling out with his "charming" girlfriend. How can he solve all of these problems?? This film is a bit of a let down, after the incredible first instalment in the series. The action in Police Story 2 feels much less real and gritty than the first film. Action scenes even feel like they have punches and kicks sped up in post processing. The film also over-emphasizes the goofy comedy that the first film had. Although still charming at times, it feels forced in this instalment. For example, one character always has his glasses broken. Very high brow comedy, right? Chan's girlfriend May, played by Maggie Cheung, once again has a falling out with Chan over his over-zealousness at work. Again, this plot line feels as forced as some of the humour in the film, however it does lead to a few touching scenes as May and Chan grapple with their feelings as the terrorist threat heats up.Was this a great film? No, not really. It suffers from forced humour and drama, and some quite incomprehensible issues, like Wa-Wa man, for example. Some of the action feels artificial as well, which for me is the biggest let down. Even so, the film is fun and the action is often quite good. Although there is no "jumping from the top floor of a mall and sliding down Christmas lights" scene like in the first film, there are some great falls, fights and stunts that are worth watching. Jackie Chan is charismatic, funny and frighteningly loose with his stunts, which is he is so great on screen. All in all, a fun but flawed increment in the Police Story series of films.
kurciasbezdalas To me this part is much better than the first one. There is much more action in this part and it's taking itself a little more serious so it's more an action film than a comedy. The playground fight was probably one of the best Jackie Chan's fights ever. There also was many impressive stunts, much more than in American Jackie's movies. The Deaf Criminal was probably one of the most colorful Jackie's opponents. Even the plot was better than in a first part. In this part Jackie Chan's character has to not only fight his new enemies, he also has to deal with an old ones. I liked the new villains of this movie, which were a very violent and dangerous people. There was many violent, intense and dramatical moments in this movie so it's one of my favorite Jackie's movies.
baodawao Police story 2 is not as good, funny or action-packed as the original but is still a good movie to watch.There are less fight scenes in this then it was in the first one, but have some fight scenes that are really good. The playground fight, is one of Jackies best ever.The story is about some drug dealers who are trying to kill Ka-Kui (Jackie Chan) because he put them in jail in the first movie. The stunts in the movie is very good. Specially the truck to bus stunt. Many of the actors in the first movie is back.I recommend this movie for everyone.
gridoon "Police Story 2" is a movie that mostly shows Jackie Chan's serious side. His performance is relatively mature and restrained, and he allows his character to be portrayed as not only brave, smart and determined, but flawed and selfish as well (his scene with Maggie Cheung after the fight in the playground is a key point). There is less slapstick and more plot than usual for a Chan movie; less emphasis on comedy and more on action. The action sequences are superb, and that deaf-mute guy with the incredible martial-arts skills is one of the most memorable villains Jackie ever had to face (literally: I had seen the film only once before in 1997 and I still remembered him clearly). (**1/2)
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