Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened
Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened
PG | 13 July 2013 (USA)
Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened Trailers

A group of five Genesect have invaded the big city and pose a threat to the supply of electricity, which attracts the attention of the legendary Pokémon Mewtwo. Satoshi, Pikachu and his friends must come to the rescue when the powerful leader, a red Genesect, faces Mewtwo.

Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Eric Stevenson I had heard really bad things about this movie and how it was so bad even pokemon fans resented it. Being one myself, I can certainly agree with everybody. As bad as the pokemon movies have been before, they never really did anything to get the mythology wrong. In the first movie, it's clearly established that Mewtwo is one of a kind but now here's another one. I guess other scientists did the same thing? Wouldn't that make her Mewthree? Even for a short movie, it's pretty padded. I guess the animation is nice, but that's about it. As someone who personally thought the original was mediocre at best, I had no choice but to hate this. It's the worst thing that ever had the pokemon name on it.Team Rocket serve no purpose, but it doesn't really matter. Ash, Iris, and Cilan don't serve any purpose either! The fight scenes are just monotonous with Mewtwo and the head Genesect just flying around for too long. There are so many pokemon movies, you get to the point where you just can't reprise old stuff and that's just what this movie was. There's even a scene where Genesect gets between a blast with the head Genesect and Mewtwo, directly lifted from the original movie! Mewtwo can Mega Evolve. Why would she need to do that? Why does she keep going back to her original form? I think even the people who worked on this movie admitted this was a gamble and knew people wouldn't like it. If a idea seems bad, just don't make it. *1/2
sugarrush-97508 This Pokemon movie is pretty good. It had a good plot, good themes and good animations. There were many kinds of Pokemon from older generations. Kids are sure to enjoy Ash's adventures and Pikachu's heroics. However, I hated Mewtwo's voice, personality and character design. It's definitely not the same Mewtwo from the Pokemon movies back in my day. They would've been better off leaving Mewtwo out of the movie. Also, I wish Cilan had gotten more screen time. Cilan is my favorite character. He is funny and has a great personality, but they made him run off somewhere for 1/3 of the movie. The movie was too serious.
hayashimegumi Genesect and the Legend Awakened (2013) is profound. Other than having a compelling backstory, it has great themes and settings too. With many Pokémon in action, we could also have a glimpse of their daily lives. There are just so many symbolic stuffs; if you analyse it. In this animated feature, the Genesect Army is lead and controlled by its shiny member called the Red Genesect and their nest is actually creepily interesting. As you may have already known (if you have played the games before), restoring Pokémon fossils have been a part of the main series games since the first one but these Genesects, are the first real living fossil Pokémon featured in a Pokémon film so it is quite special! (The ones in Pokémon Heroes are undead!)However, it is sad to watch them being resurrected just to be lost in time. They are suffering confusion, have trust issues and there is even one feeling severely homesick. Lonely and afraid, these creatures are actually simple and sweet. Although they do resemble an insect that I am not quite fond of, I like one of the Genesects; the gentle one stands out a lot. Might be just me but I felt that particular Genesect is nicely animated; it probably exhibits the best body language by any Pokémon in films to date and I just couldn't help to feel sorry for it! :(Then, there is one inevitable issue for older fans or those who are die-hard fans of Mewtwo Strikes Back (1998) and Mewtwo Returns (2000). The Mewtwo here is seemingly a different one as it obviously has different, much feminine voice and certainly do not know Ash Ketchum personally. Though that could be an issue, it is still refreshing and it is not the major flaw of this animated feature. Instead, Mewtwo fans should rejoice as the Pokémon is back on screen after so many years with its new mega evolution form!In my opinion, the major flaw of Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened (2013) is that there are several abrupt moments. I find it unsatisfactory but I am happy with what I see overall and what they do with the Genesects in the end. My verdict? Give this anime family film based on video game a chance and you may find yourself entertained especially if you like its genre. After all, it is one of the better Pokémon Films ever made and it certainly will not lost in time!
knifeskillz98 It's not a bad movie in any way, it's a good kid movie and there are plenty of pokemon to entertain young kids and pokemon battles between Genesect and various other pokemon. But if you're like me and you've been playing pokemon since the 90's this film is not going to be as good as for example Mewtwo returns or the movie 2000. Mewtwo and Ash act as if they've met each other for the first time ever, team rocket get barely any screen time and the only one of ash's pokemon that get any action is Picachu. This movie is primarily aimed at younger audiences like 3-8 because those of us who are 16 and above have been forgotten about by the pokemon company. But like I said, your kids or younger siblings will love it.