Pokémon the Movie 2000
Pokémon the Movie 2000
G | 21 July 2000 (USA)
Pokémon the Movie 2000 Trailers

When Lawrence III's scheme to capture the Legendary Pokémon Lugia upsets the balance of nature, it is up to Ash Ketchum and his friends to save the world.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Steineded How sad is this?
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Shawn Watson The Pokemon series got off to a poor start when the show transferred to the big screen. It was a badly translated movie that served only to alienate parents and confuse even the most die-hard of kid fans. Thankfully, this sequel improves on things by delivering a better story, smarter writing (with a few unintrusive moments of self-aware humor) and more interesting supporting characters.Ash, Pikachu, and the rest of the gang are touring the Orange Islands when a madman called Lawrence III plans to capture three legendary Pokemon, uncaring of the fact that doing so will play hell with the planet's climate. The Pokemon population converge on the Orange Islands and all eyes are on Ash to find a way to stop Lawrence and restore balance to the chaos.Even visually this is such a step up from the first movie. The blues of the ocean, the greens of the forests, and the gloom of the snowstorms really do make it pop with atmosphere. Pokemon has always been a showcase for superior animation as it is a series that is set on the road in a variety of locations. There are vistas in this one that are as good as Miyazaki. Not enough people realize that one of the main appeals of Pokemon is that it takes you places you want to go.For kids and fans of the series I can only assume that this one will get more play time than the original.
Owen Ogletree The second Pokémon movie is an improvement over the first film in just about every department. It has better animation, better pacing, and everything was generally on a bigger scale.The story sees Ash and the gang crash on an island, finding out that Ash is the chosen one to save the world. The basic message that one person can make a difference. It's a little clichéd, but done quite well.Lawrence III is a competent villain, even though he is never mentioned by name for some reason. His flying hovercraft was pretty cool. Lugia and the three legendary birds Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos were all awesome. Some of the best legendary Pokémon for sure.The film is epic in scope and full of exciting set pieces. The final 30 minutes are full of excitement and mayhem and will keep you on the edge of your seat.The tropical setting is really nice and I also enjoyed that Team Rocket were the good guys in this one. The song that played when the day was saved was beautiful.A great Pokémon movie. Definitely better than the first movie, and one of the best of the series overall. This is a must-see for fans of the show.RATING: A-
Cinder Entire I have always enjoyed pokemon from the animated series to anything else. So as you can guess, this movie was ,for me and maybe many others, really great. The movie starts out with a typical mini-movie starring Pika chu and some of the pokemon he is friends with. And in this adventure, the whole poke-gang(as I will call them for now) end up falling down some giant hole in order to rescue their friend, Togpei. Anyways, we see bunch of new pokemon that have yet to be seen and some real cute dance scene performed by the Bellossom and other accompanying pokemon. Then,finally the group finds the lost togepi with a nest of exeggcute who have become very attached to him and won't let him go. Then suddenly tragedy hits as a huge eletrical storm breaks out and the pokemon must work together to keep the exeggcute nest safe. Finally, the storm ends and it's time for our poke-gang to go home. But, before that we get to see the lost brother from the exeggscute nest be returned by a random Chansey and they evolve into Exeggutor. (Yep, get it exeggcute = execute, exeggutor= executor) Well, I will admit this part of the movie is nice and cute. But, I will have to admit not having the narrator like they do in most of these mini-movies is kind of nice. it allows the pokemon to speak for themselves through their actions.Now for the actual movie, I personally loved the majority of the movie despite how bad the jokes were. I love seeing Ash at age ten being a strong and impetuous braggart that he can be still pull off actually saving the world. And yes, I know that Misty can be very bland even for a female character. But, I love seeing a likable female character. She may not scream girl power per se. But, she is the ten year old girl in all of us. In this movie, she does the typical female protagonist thing where she hides her true feelings from the male antagonist. I like the part where she says "He is a boy, and he is my friend. But, he is not my boyfriend". But, she does change towards the end and goes to help Ash when the other female co-star offers to do it. Next the members of team Rocket, I like them in this movie because they do actually help and was funny how they actually get some recognition compared to the other movies. Even though, they do supply the majority of the bad jokes. Now,my rating for this movie was a seven because I could see how hard they worked to get the sheer awesomeness in the artwork and the music was great. And I have to admit that seeing movie that was not CGI or had a bunch of adult innuendos put in it was nice. Now, my only complaint I had with it was the generic anime style action to it. It was the power of oneness to all of it. And the message was kind of confusing. It was between the environmental message and the the power of one. And it kind of seemed the movie was making a decision between whether of the two go with. And finally what was with having the collector make that statement toward as if we were going to see him again. Well that it for this week. See ya!
DarkGyarados@IMDB Honestly I just don't get it. Look I am 18 years old now and Pokemon was a major part of my childhood since I grew up during the Pokemon craze. I'd remember when I would always watch the anime everyday. Now onto my point, I understand that Pokemon the Movie 2000 is not a masterpiece by mainstream standards but I think that to give it a 4.4 out of 10 is just too harsh. Because when you think about it, Pokemon movies are more serious (and at times more dramatic) compared to the series, and I especially feel that Pokemon the Movie 2000 is one of the most epic Pokemon movies I have ever watched so far, especially the scene where Lugia fought the three legendary Birds of the Kanto region.So overall, this movie is not as bad as it was made out to be in here, and although it has its flaws, I highly recommend this movie for all Pokemon fans.
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