Pokémon 3: The Movie
Pokémon 3: The Movie
G | 06 April 2001 (USA)
Pokémon 3: The Movie Trailers

When Molly Hale's sadness of her father's disappearance gets to her, she unknowingly uses the Unown to create her own dream world along with Entei, who she believes to be her father. When Entei kidnaps Ash's mother, Ash along with Misty & Brock invade the mansion looking for his mom and trying to stop the mysteries of Molly's Dream World and Entei!

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Shawn Watson In this 3rd theatrical outing for the expansive Pokemon franchise a young girl named Molly is devastated at the loss of her dad when he is hurled into oblivion by strange Pokemon breed Unown, who then grant Molly's wishes by turning her mansion estate into a giant crystal castle, covering the once beautiful town of Greenfield in a crystalline growth in the process. The Unown materialize the form of Entei, a legendary Pokemon to replace her missing dad and prevent her from being completely orphaned.Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu are travelling to Greenfield when they are caught up in the Unown chaos, as are Team Rocket who are never too far behind. Ash's mother is stolen away by the Unown as a replacement mother for Molly. It's now up to the gang to infiltrate the crystal castle and find out how to stop the Unown from causing further damage.Pokemon 3 had a lot going for it but sadly loses control in the final 25 minutes with repetitive action and a rather one-note climax which doesn't have as much pay-off as the rest of the film might had fooled you into thinking it had. However, as usual, the muted scenes over the end credits are wonderful and make it a worthwhile entry overall. While being better than the first movie it's not as good as the second.
UmbreonReveiwer I have not seen this film in years and once I saw it again it was just as good if not better than I remember it as a kid. As a kid, I loved watching the battles and the visuals. Now that I am older, I admire not only the incredible animation but also the creative use of the Pokémon, the battles and the surprisingly complex message about dealing with grief. Also, the execution is perfect and the reason I am not giving it 10 stars is that the scene with Charizard is a little out of nowhere. And I can't believe how little 4Kids changed in this movie. In conclusion, this movie is basically one of the best Pokémon movies there is. It is a film that can be enjoyed even by people that are not familiar with the show or any of the movies.
Anssi Vartiainen Even as a former fan of Pokémon, I can tell you that there's very little value in this film. Its full of flat jokes, wooden characters, painfully simplistic dialogues and as a whole it just doesn't deliver. I was dead bored while watching this.Though yes, it's a movie aimed for children, I get that, but even as a children's film this movie has very little to offer. The action scenes and the various battles that come with the Pokémon franchise are not horrible, I suppose, but neither do they manage to provide us with anything new or exciting. They're just on par with the battles from the TV series, which is really neither a plus or a minus. Furthermore, from a fan's point of view, I guess that it's nice to see more of Ash's mom and Charizard, one of the most popular Pokémon of the franchise. But both of these characters have very limited screen time, barely even having any dialogue in Mama Ketchum's case or having any cool battle scenes in the case of the latter.The biggest flaw of this movie is its villain though. Entei, the big furry monster in the cover, has some cool scenes, I admit, but the entity behind him/it is very... nonthreatening and uncool. Like a big pile of floating Scrabble pieces. And it never talks, which just manages to underline just how boring it is as the main antagonist/conflict.And of course the Team Rocket is in this movie to provide cheap jokes and unwanted slapstick. They were awful.So yeah, bad movie that has very little to offer to anyone over the age of eight. But there's really nothing malicious or harmful in this film. It doesn't teach your kids any bad morals or anything. As a film it's harmless, though not very good. That being said, don't show this to your kids. There are plenty of children's films out there that are vastly superior in quality.
typhlosionwolf how can this movie only be rated 4 stars?? it's not anywhere near that bad. i think some people just rate it low because it's a pokemon movie and that's just stupid. personally i love this movie. it's my fav out of all the pokemon movies. i mean seriously, what's wrong with it?? it's much MUCH better than the diamond and pearl movies. the story to this movie is great. it has some pretty unique battles in it. especially the underwater battle. i think the music is great too. the only thing i think they could have changed was team rocket's part. they were barely even in the movie. it also has some decent bonus features. so.... to sum it up.... this movie is great. it has a good story, good music, good battles, and good pokemon. if you haven't seen it yet i highly suggest you at least try it out. ^^D
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