Point of Impact
Point of Impact
| 01 December 1993 (USA)
Point of Impact Trailers

Jack Davis is a tough, outspoken cop who finds himself wrongly accused for the death of a fellow agent by the depraved and power hungry chief of Miami Customs, Martin Cullen. Disgraced and dismissed, Jack swears revenge and goes to work for Roberto Largo, a rich, evil Cuban crime boss, as bodyguard for his smoldering wife, Eva. Jack knows Largo is connected to his old boss Cullen and is determined to learn the secret that will bring him down. Trapped in a deadly game of cat and mouse, held captive by his passionate affair with Eva, Jack must figure out the significance of the mysterious Spanish Rose to survive.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
SnoopyStyle Custom cop Jack David (Michael Paré) and his men are ambushed at the Miami docks. Five of his guys are killed. He punches out his supervisor and is fired after getting all the blame. Sandra Ficher introduces him to Roberto Largo (Michael Ironside) to work as a bodyguard for his wife Eva (Barbara Carrera). Jack suspects his old boss Martin Cullen is corrupt and responsible for the deaths. He discovers a connection between Largo and Cullen.This is a pretty bad action B-movie. The acting, the directions and the overall style are all clunky lower level stuff. Everything screams B-movie. The stage fighting is 70s kung fu. The dialog and acting is stiff. Some of the characters are way too ridiculous. Michael Paré is pass his best before date. They throw in some nudity and some explosions to complete the B-movie checklist.
Frank Markland Michael Pare stars as an ex-cop who is hired to protect the wife of a drug-lord(Michael Ironside) however when he starts falling for the wife of said drug-lord, he realizes that he maybe in over his head. I actually saw this for the first time today, when I rented this with Blink Of An Eye, both are Misiorski and Pare collaborations and while Blink Of An Eye was routine yet not completely uninteresting, Point Of Impact represents one of Pare's worst movies. I haven't seen everything from the man but i'm guessing there is no way there are any of his movies that are this super dull. The movie is meant to be erotic but Michael Pare and Barabara Carrera have zero chemistry and I for one was lost in the sludge of conspiracies, love triangles and boredom this movie offered. The pacing which was flawed in Blink Of An Eye, is even worse this time due to the lack of any movement in the story. I didn't have high expectations when I saw this, the cover is incredibly woeful but I expected at least an actual movie not devoid of all entertainment value.1/2* out of 4-(Awful)
sveknu I bought this one on DVD (titled "Spanish Rose") for only 25 Norwegian Kroner (about 3 U.S. dollars and 50 cent), and normally that doesn't mean quality. It didn't mean that for this movie either. The story in the movie is OK, but no more than that. It's a typical 'single cop fighting against both his superiors and the enemy'-movie, because no one believes what really happened when one of his colleagues died. Sound familiar? The movie was announced as an action-movie, but personally I would say it's more of an action-thriller. There are not that many action scenes in the movie, and they aren't that entertaining either. There are also a couple of really long love scenes that I think had suited better for a soft porn movie. This is a typical sign that the movie isn't any good. And it isn't.
nikitaberetta Being experienced enough to have watched many, and varied movies, I find this to be another example of Michael Pare's relaxed, natural ability to become his character.I must confess, this movie contains the sexiest love scene I've ever witnessed. As he lays back on the white sheets, surrounded by white curtains and breezes, and he tilts his head back, shutting his eyes tightly, drawing his breath in through his teeth in sheer pleasure, then saying "Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god...", turning his face toward the camera... what can I say? Works for me. I also took a line from the movie as a personal identifier, rewriting it so as not to steal. It is when he picks her up in his apartment to take her to bed, saying: "Life is too short to say no!"No matter how the other actors carry off their roles, Pare' always gives each character he plays, his best.Thank you, Michael Pare'....Nikita Samuelle