| 11 February 2004 (USA)
Podium Trailers

Bernand Fréderic is a mediocre bank executive. He's married and has a son. He used to have another profession: being French star Claude Francois. Now, with the Imitators Gala Night coming up, he must choose between his wife or the only thing that makes him happy: the applause.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
j-s p I first saw "C'est arrivé près de chez-vous"(Man bites dog) about ten years ago and I was amazed by the whole thing.The darkest humor ever,sick violent scenes,and of course,the Man himself.Poelvoorde plays a violent maniac but he's funny and charismatic at the same time.Fast forward to 2005:I realised there was a new movie with that guy that I've never seen in another film.I didn't know that much about Claude Francois,but I had to see Poelvoorde in another role.Here he plays Bernard Frédéric,an ex-imitator of Cloclo.He stopped his "career" in show-business when his wife,Véro, gave an ultimatum.So now he has a boring job,9 to 5, a son, a "normal" life. But when he learns that there is an imitator contest on prime time TV,his passion takes over.So many funny scenes in this movie! The auditions of his "Clodettes"(he's so rude with them ,can't watch it without laughing)the psycho-therapist,the introduction of his partner Couscous,the sex scene in which he changes his love tempo depending what Claude song he has in mind,...Add to this a great soundtrack, dancing, beautiful women in there Clodettes suit, a happy ending and you have 90 minutes of pure joy.I can't wait to see the long version.
oso_travis Podium. Directed by Yann Moix. ***I haven't had this much fun for a while!Courtesy of the 8th French Cinema Tour, "Podium" just hit theaters in a festival-like run here; Oh! I got so lucky! It's such a funny comedy, one of the best I've seen coming out of La France, and one of the best of the year for sure.Benoit Poelvoorde is Belgium's national treasure for sure. He's performance is outstanding; he played Bernard Fréderic with such emotion, wit and realism that I'm gonna be real mad if he doesn't get a Best Actor nomination at the Cesars. The thing that is so great, is that his character is hateful and charismatic at the same time. He believes he's a star, so he starts acting like one: mean and rudely. He's a great singer and dancer too (maybe Kevin Spacey could borrow him some ideas).Great writing, solid direction, hot French chics (or according to Bernard, "sexual bombs") in a comedy that smartly explores the obsession for fame, celebrity and pop idols. You won't regret if you watch it. Believe, it is worth it.The tribute to French super star, Claude Francois is there, making the whole thing nostalgic. And one more thing... perhaps Americans should keep their hands out of it, and not starting to think about a remake. I suppose it will start its international commercial run in 2005, so where it's available, don't miss it!7/10
ausine This movie is one the greatest comedy I've ever seen... The actors are so good, I can't compare it with any other movie. The singing performance by Benoit Poelvoorde is perfectly incredible too ! Nevertheless,I guess american audience would not understand this movie, as it deals with a french music symbol, Claude François...That's why I let myself dream of an american transcription of "Podium"... imagine Adam Sandler or Bill Murray play some unlikely Elvis double... If some producer could read it :)Congratulations, Yann Moix !!
geofverney This is the story of Bernard Frederic, a "double" of Claude François (France's Elvis - author of classics such as "My Way"). A special television broadcast on doubles incites him to return to a life he stopped for his wife. We follow him during the steps leading to the big show...There is something in this movie that makes it irresistible. Is it the story (very original), the rythm (fast but not furious :-)), the humor (I had a smile on my face almost the entire movie), the music (the mood was so positive that the audience sang along)? Or the cast? Benoît Poelvoorde (Bernard Frederic) has shown in this film just how talented he was. An outstanding performance then from him but also from his two co-stars the beautiful Julie Depardieu and the always disconcerting Jean-Paul Rouve. This movie should soon be crowned one of France's cult movies alongside classics such as "Le Père Noël est une Ordure", les "Visiteurs" or "Les Bronzés". Except if you are looking for what is wrong in a movie, you shouldn't be disturbed by its minor flaws. However for those who read the book (such as me), there may be some level of disappointment (not for me though). You must know that the movie shows only part of Bernard Frederic's impressive personality. He is depicted in the book as impulsive, selfish, stingy but still very likeable. We get to see only a small selection of the ferociously funny situations from the book. But I guess it would have undermined the rythm of the film. So go see it if you want to feel a boost of energy!