Pocket Ninjas
Pocket Ninjas
| 25 March 1997 (USA)
Pocket Ninjas Trailers

Somewhere in New Jersey, a group of masked rollerblading children "save the universe" by training to fight the evil Cobra Khan through a series of action-packed montages. Along the way they hypothesize some slapstick hijinks in a balloon factory, and save the day through a hypothetical Sonic Virtual Reality battle. A real treat!

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
gmosphere there are bad movies like Manos: Hands of Fate or Plan 9 from outer space,hobgoblins, troll 2. but those are fun to watch and ever make fun of MST3k style. But then there is Pocket Ninjas. my candidate for the worst movie ever. See the worst movie ever is a movie that is painful to sit through and movie that nobody wants to watch,sloppy editing that would make ed wood look like Francis Ford Coppola, no plot, and characters that need to killed just for existing. I could not describe that plot because there is not any. if you are looking to recreate the feeling of watching this movie without watch it than inflict pain on yourself and put HydroCloricAcid on the open wounds. if you happen to come across a copy of this movie than go home and take a bath because of the dirtiness of the horror that is pocket ninjas
angrymonkey_911 Holy Christ. sorry, but i have to get it off my chest. i just finished watching this movie, and felt i needed to REGISTER on this site just to write a review just to express my hatred for this movie. there are countless errors in this movie, and the production values......ugh all i am saying is i could fund a better quality movie with whats in my wallet right now. harsh? no, not at all. it looks like they filmed this thing on a video phone. and the plot..... first off we find our so called 'heroes' in a dojo with their trainer 'white Dragon' but they don't know he is white dragon, they are being informed of white dragon foiling robbers and such. this sparked my attention because later in the movie they saw white dragon on a Japanese comic, they were wondering who he was, even though they were informed of him in the first FIVE MINUTES of the movie. another thing that annoyed me is their costumes. their ninjas right? wrong. they wear black suits, colored maskes, CLOWN WIGS and roller blades. yeah, VERY stealthy. now we come to THE worst scene in the entire movie, if not in film history. we find white dragon fighting Cobra Khan in a balloon factory. and by balloon factory i mean a bunch of clowns in a room blowing up balloons. well here we are, the fight between cobra khan and white dragon, well they do anything but fight. the mighty white dragon is just bouncing on balloons and telling each other that 'nah nah cant get meh' and the ever dreadful 'neener neener!' I could swear at one point i heard my television crying in sorrow. the long and short of it is i wanted to stab my eyes out with a rusty knife. Yeah, not a very good movie.
blackdeath21 Wow! Where to start. Lets go with acting. The acting was so bad, it didn't even have a chance to become good and then go bad again. It sounded as if they couldn't remember their lines, so they had someone hold a card off screen. On top of that you couldn't even hear what they were saying so you had to turn up the volume, then you were blasted with loud music.Now the fighting. The fight scenes were so underwhelming. They looked lazy and boring. Not one person looked like they new any martial arts except Gary Daniels, who even though is a pro-fighter never threw a punch the whole movie. Another thing who can fight on roller blades.The whole pace of the movie was slow and dragged out. It seemed every scene was a montage scene.The only good things in the movie are the masks that the kids and the "White Dragon" wear and Robert Z'Dar as Cobra Khan.If your looking for a children's karate movie, skip this and go get "3 Ninjas 1 and 2".
MaskedMarauder My favorite scene is the one where the White Dragon fights one of Cobra Khan's minions in a carnival building. Also, when Gary Daniels tries to woo the woman in the blue spandex, the outpourings of poetry from his mouth makes me wish it was I that he was speaking to. I once saw a movie called "Manos: The Hands of Fate," and thought it was pretty good. After I saw "Pocket Ninjas," I realized that "pretty good" was just not good enough. I have no wish to turn this review into a panegyric or paean to the beauty and incomprehensible, stunning visual conceptualization of this cinematic masterpiece, but truly, you need to see this if you are ever going to consider yourself a true connoisseur of film. Mmm. I think I'm going to slide it into my DVD player right now. . .