Plain Truth
Plain Truth
| 04 October 2004 (USA)
Plain Truth Trailers

An unmarried 18 year-old Amish girl is charged with the murder of her infant child.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
iowastate-1 This turned a boring book about the Amish into an even more insipid movie of the week but then on Lifetime we have learned from experience to not expect much from their movies and in this case that is just what we get.A dull and predictable walk through the byways of an Amish baby murder.special guest Mariska Hargitay is no more inspiring here than on her insipid Lack of Law and Order show but she is still the high lite of an other wise boring film.the plot is a mess and the story line totally unbelievable however that is nothing unusual for Television movie of the week most LF TVM it will show up from time to time as a late night or early morning movie and is at least better than watching an infomercial or the shopping channel
hupfons5 Excellent movie -- better than many bigger budget Hollywood feature films. You'll miss out on a good movie if you fall victim to the bias that made-for-TV productions aren't worth seeing.The story and the acting are first-rate. It's not only well worth watching, but the DVD is one that you'll have no problem including in your video collection.(SPOILER) Unexpected plot twists tied to the interplay between the Amish and modern-day cultures heighten the drama and character development.Solid performances by the entire cast. Allison Pill and Mariska Hargitay prove that they can shine in demanding roles.
Francis A. Breen, Jr., M.D. I'm tempted to call this "Mariska trapped in a hunk of Swiss cheese" but this confused mess of a movie has a lot more holes than that. It's so weak and contrived that even the exceptional acting talents of Mariska Hargitay can't save it. Every time a plot twist was needed the accused simply told another lie and off we went in a new and contrived direction. The depiction of Amish life is cartoonish. One would think that the writers would know better than to have the accused calling her parents "mom and dad". And white buttons on shirts? There's a lot more but to delve any deeper might give away what little plot there is, so I'll simply recommend avoiding this film altogether.
mee_n_ky This movie was wonderful. It had you guessing the whole time and changing your mind about what happened. I felt so sorry for Katie she wanted to tell the truth so that her family would still accept her and she could stay in the community but then Ellie wanted her to stand up for herself so that she wouldn't go to prison. When you thought you knew what happened the story changed just enough to make you change your mind. Mariska Hargitay and Alison Pill are great actresses. I have always loved Hargitay's work and can't wait to view more of Pill's work. I hope everyone else takes the time to watch this movie. Hope to see more movies like this soon.