Echelon Conspiracy
Echelon Conspiracy
PG-13 | 27 February 2009 (USA)
Echelon Conspiracy Trailers

Mysterious cell phone messages promise a young American engineer untold wealth - then make him the target of a deadly international plot. Dangerous security operatives chase the engineer across the globe, while a powerful government official pursues a mysterious agenda that threatens the stability of the entire world.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
chmueller I would like to have the smartphone this guy gets ... it is so beautiful. I came across this movie by coincidence while zapping through TV channels. Great idea, very entertaining and an unexpected end. After reading many of those reviews here - "this is a copy of Eagles Eye" - I thought, great, another movie like this, I must see it. But honestly, I could not watch "Eagles Eye" to the end. It was too boring. So ... no. Both movies are based on a similar idea (like other movies: Colossus, I Robot, The Matrix or even Tron), but that's it. Maybe people who have watched "Eagles Eye" before and loved this movie will not like the "Echelon Conspiracy", I don't know. It is not a deadly serious movie, though. Sometimes a little irony shows and sometimes it made me smile. To me, "Echelon Conspiracy" is one of those few movies I can watch more than one time and enjoy those small details I discover.
SnoopyStyle Max Peterson (Shane West) is a world traveling tech security expert. He receives a mysterious phone anonymously which sends him helpful messages. It helps him avoid a plane crash, gives a stock tip and win at a casino. He encounters helpful driver Yuri Malanin in Prague. Casino security John Reed (Edward Burns) is suspicious. Kamila (Tamara Feldman) runs a scam on Max. Her partner knocks him out and they scan his phone. He wins a $3 million jackpot at the casino owned by Mueller (Jonathan Pryce) and is pursued by Reed. He is stopped and taken in by FBI Agent Dave Grant (Ving Rhames). Grant has been following untraceable texts to people who have sudden massive gains and then get killed mysteriously. Grant has been coordinating with NSA director Raymond Burke (Martin Sheen). The source turns out to be NSA central computer Echelon.First, Max is a prick. He is reckless and clueless. He is annoying as heck. I have no rooting interest in the character. He needs to be an everyman. Instead, he's an everydouche. It's kind of funny that even Reed calls him a douche. The movie should have great paranoid tension but this thing drags on and on. It should be him against the world but it takes forever for the first assassination attempt on Max himself. It should have started with NSA trying to kill him. This is basically as stupid as 'Eagle Eye' but without any of the fun. The WarGames ending isn't that good either because it feels derivative.
suparn gupta Imagine a movie where FBI chief doesn't know what is Authorize BIOS? I mean come on! And how do you build a software junk without getting it approved by the senate first? And how in the world you access street cameras in Moscow without getting help from Russian Govt. The movie is full of flaws including the climax where the lead actor starts talking to the computer!! I mean a moment ago, he cannot access the computer, next minute, he is doing a Skype call with it. He is shown as a Computer Security Guy, and doesn't even know how to connect a blue tooth wireless headset to his phone! In which century are you making this movie!! To all of those who contributed to the script-> Watch a couple of CIA movies like Bourne series, etc. You ll know how tech stuff works. And at least what kind of intellect you need to show in FBI agents!
M MALIK if you are some pervert looking for a sexual movie scenes this movie provides an orgasm to you.Tamara & Shane are having sex & smooching each other.thats the best scene from the whole movie you can enjoynow lets get back to the story of the movie this guy Shane west is a computer geek & he gets trapped by a powerful computer named echelon wow.what a concept this is.since James Cameron terminator every movie seems to ape it but remember not everyone is Arnold.they had the sky net.but the movie i really loved was the matrix trilogy it was amazing based on a Japanese film.but echelon conspiracy fails on all levels the action,suspense does not work because of the story the main plot its used many times now its got rating is 1/10 just don't see this please.& yes Tamara field man is a hot babe like models ayyan Ali & mehreen syed