G | 05 June 2015 (USA)
Pixies Trailers

Joe Beck has lost the love of his life thanks to a Pixie's Curse and he now needs to figure out how to get his girl back, learn more about the mysterious Pixies and undo a bad deed he did long ago.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Phillip Watson Taking into account the fact that the Pixies movie is about magical creatures fighting against humans little was to be expected from this movie. The setting takes place in a suburban neighborhood where Joe Beck is a mechanic. However it turns out to be much more lively than most of the Disney movies out there. The computer animation is brilliantly done by engineers and designing the characters and modeling them made the story more believable. Believability is an essential key in any movie whether action, adventure, or animation. The great voiceovers perfectly matched the character's personalities. Nothing more can be said about this story except that it was a better alternative to some other animation movies.
Billy Dunster Sean Patrick O 'Reilly, who stars as the voice-over for the character of Joe Beck, brings a comic-inspired and interesting film to the big screen. Without giving away any spoilers all that can be said is that the Pixie movie will get promising results at the box office. The reason for this is the plot is captivating and it really pulls the audience in. The great background music was a light and pleasant contrast compared to the loud and obnoxious soundtracks people see in some action movies in the modern age. The music was a perfect choice for the movie, because it kept the story flowing, and didn't serve to merely distract viewers like the other ones we've seen. Technically the movie is brilliant due to the fact that the graphics are high quality and top notch. Sound and voice overs of all the other cast members are excellent and perfect. Pixie the movie tells the story of an auto mechanic who learns his lesson to respect the pixie's environment. The action was just the right amount with fantasy violence and nothing more. It is marvelous for people of all ages to watch, because it has emotional twists that get people drawn into the story.
Sammy Don Most animated films use variations of the same type of story: the main character has to overcome certain obstacles in order to achieve his goal and there is a climax with a seemingly invincible antagonist. Except what if instead of one there were an entire colony of antagonists in the form of magical creatures? In the film known as Pixies, a village of pixies led by an absolute monarch pixie who is in charge of the entire kingdom declares war on a human after he threatens the very existence of his subjects. During this time the pixies curse the human is named Joe Beckman, and before he knows it his life is spiraling out of control into chaos. It is up to him to break the curse that the pixies set up on him before it's too late. However the downside of this film is that it's dark undertones of vengeance towards the second half of the movie might be a little too dark for some of the young audience members. Despite this minor issue I know deep down inside that this movie is going to do really well, and it's one of the best animated movies that I have ever seen.
panta-4 Pixies are mythical creatures of folklore, and are believed to inhabit ancient underground ancestor sites such as stone circles, barrows, dolmens, ringfort or menhirs. In traditional regional lore, pixies are generally benign, mischievous, short of stature and attractively childlike; they are fond of dancing and gather outdoors in huge numbers to dance or sometimes wrestle, through the night! Now, about this animated movie written and directed by Sean Patrick O'Reilly - nothing in it is like that. Humorless, bullying pixies and bland characters! I understand that there is a need to have more independent animation , but this movie was a pure waste of time! Bad dialogue, terrible computer animation, awful sound effects, and a story which had a bad, almost sour ecological taste. I do not think that a story line about vengeance could be in any way kid friendly, even though they tried to fix everything at the end. I would rethink an intention to show this animation to any of the kids in my family! I was most of the time annoyed by the pixies and I could not understand why would someone even categorize this movie as a children's movie.