Pippin Pippin is a musical comedy loosely based on a book, by Roger O. Hirson, written in 1891. Although historical events are mentioned within Pippin they are not an accurate representation of those events. Pippin is the oldest son of King Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great. The musical is centered around Pippin's ambitious search for a place where he belongs, but he also wants his life to be extraordinary. Even though the subject matter can be quite serious they have found a way to tell the story in a comical almost absurd, at times, way.The main story line touches on a very basic human need, "to find where we belong." Within the story, they also explore many other emotions that are felt by people in general, to some degree or other, such as jealousy, greed, lust, envy, and love. Pippin was sent to the university, because his father values education, even though his father is not educated and can't even write his own name. While at the university Pippin became a scholar, but that was not fulfilling, and so he leaves the university and returns home. This is where the story begins.There are many times within Pippin's search where I can see how this story represents everyday people, and their needs and wants. He joins his father and half-brother in war to try to win his father's approval, but finds that fighting a war, to further the spread of Christianity, "Even if we have to kill all the non-believers," does nothing but leave the stench of blood on his hands. He does not understand the "glory" his father and brother feel. Just like many of us don't understand the feelings of others when we disagree with what they are doing.His grandmother tries to explain to him that he will find his "corner of the sky" by finding the simple joys in life. She explains that he doesn't want to be, "A man who never learned to be free until he was underground." So, he takes this advice and goes after what he considers the "simple things" sex, drugs, and alcohol, but this just leaves him feeling, "empty and vacant." Just like in real life these "simple joys" are never the answer. People think at the time it is helping, but soon find out that they have just embarked on a whole new set of problems.Just like many of us, he then complains about how someone else is doing a job, thinking we can do it better. He sees his father as an unjust, prejudice, tyrant. He tries his hand at being king, but finds he can do no better, because you can't please everyone. He tries many other avenues such as art and the church before he encounters a widow and her young son. He tries to run from love, because, "nothing ever turns out how you think it will." He is then presented with the fact that there is only one perfect act, "The Finale." The conclusion that "The Finale," represents death is stated when he is told, "The final affirmation of life is death." For many people who spend their lives looking, and never finding what it is they are looking for, this is a true statement, and can be a very sad life. Pippin does finally come to the conclusion that, "If I am never tied to anything I can never be free." This musical touched on many things I see within life, and how people relate to the world around them. It was good to see a comical way of addressing the feeling that seems to be popular right now that, "I want such a little thing from life, I want so much." We seem to always be looking for something better, but when we get it it's not what we want. Everything is flawed in one way or another. It's like the old saying, "The grass always seems greener on the other side." Pippin was a great representation of this feeling. It also comically addressed societies' constant search to find happiness.I really enjoyed the musical compositions, and actually found myself singing along. The dancers were wonderful. Ben Vereen's stage presence as the leading player was remarkable, and William Katt was an excellent choice to play Pippin. The part of Pippin's grandmother has beautifully portrayed by Martha Raye. I watched the DVD and now I can't wait to see it live.
David Sheehan needs to be drawn and quartered for his handling of this classic musical (ugh - the cross-fades during the Manson trio dance, the poor framing, etc).I love Chita Rivera but she is bit miscast as Fastrada.William Katt might sound better if he was miked to the camera.On the other hand, this is the only record we have this amazing musical circus. Obviously, even in pristine state, it would still lose something because it really is a live theater piece.I simply have newbies watch it, explain the mistakes/edits, and have them listen to the original cast album.
Those people lucky enough to see this show in it's original Broadway run saw a brilliant cast performing a brilliant show with an equally brilliant director. The original cast, Ben Vereen, Irene Ryan (of Beverly Hillbillies fame) Leland Palmer, Jill Clayburgh, John Rubinstein, and others easily outshine William Katt (of Greatest American Hero fame) Martha Raye (of denture fame) and the rest. Still, it's a very good production, and nice to see that a Broadway show can, in fact, be filmed and appreciated without paying $100 to see it! The choreography is splendid. Katt's voice isn't horrible, in fact, he sings the difficult Stephen Schwartz music with apparent ease (not to same effect that John Rubinstein had, mind you) All in all, it's a good production, but more on par with what one would expect from a regional theater or really good community theater.
This is one of the finest videos of a musical available anywhere. In addition to being an unbelievable musical, this top notch cast brings PIPPIN to an astounding level.Particularly amazing is Ben Vereen... his singing, acting, and dancing abilities are on full display. Broadway legend Chita Rivera is also spellbinding in her small but show-stopping performance.This is a musical not to miss!