NR | 01 January 1981 (USA)
Pippin Trailers

A mysterious performance troupe led by a Leading Player tells the story of Pippin, a young prince on his search for meaning and significance. Taped at Hamilton Place in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Steineded How sad is this?
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
skippyd89 I just want to point out a misconception many reviewers here keep expounding: this filmed record of PIPPIN in performance was not done on Broadway. This is either a national tour or a performance of the original show mounted in another city (LA, Chicago, San Francisco, London?). William Katt, Martha Raye, nor Chita Rivera, ever appeared on Broadway during the show's original 5 year run. This could explain the paring down of the script in this video record. Vareen, as pointed out, with his TONY already on his mantle for this role, is an originator. What is most important about this video is that it is the only record of Bob Fosse's work as choreographer and director of a complete show in existence. His dances for PAJAMA GAME and DAMN YANKEES, SWEET CHARITY exist in their Hollywood film versions, but not his conceptual Broadway work. The film of CHICAGO is a homage to him stylistically. However, that's the work of Rob Marshall.
nycruise-1 David Sheehan needs to be drawn and quartered for his handling of this classic musical (ugh - the cross-fades during the Manson trio dance, the poor framing, etc).I love Chita Rivera but she is bit miscast as Fastrada.William Katt might sound better if he was miked to the camera.On the other hand, this is the only record we have this amazing musical circus. Obviously, even in pristine state, it would still lose something because it really is a live theater piece.I simply have newbies watch it, explain the mistakes/edits, and have them listen to the original cast album.
glen10000 here in the summary you have all of the elements for why i give this stage play an 8. probably it does not get a higher rating because i fail to understand why the author uses Charlemagne,his first born, Pippen to get where the go. maybe you have to read the book for that.Sometimes I think this play didn't know where it wanted to go. It appeared to be historical course with Chita Rivera, Pippin's mom pushing the second son to the king's attention. Then it appeared to address the futility, foolhardiness and carnage of war . Then we have the sex orgy. I wonder if this was a controversial play when it first appeared (60's ?} Even today, the anti-church line would be sure to attract the wrath of some section in the religious right And yet, this play "magically" (you'll See why I use quote if you watch) succeeds as a coming-of- age tale. Incidentally, I saw "Bonnie And Clyde" first; and believe it or nor - the both relate ! Pippin, however, realizes what is truly important.
Gislef But it still manages to capture the look, feel, and spirit of the original stage production. Great musical numbers and dance numbers compensate, IMO, for the flaws of bringing it to video (and the original "director's cut" unedited version makes up for much of the cited flaws anyway).Pippin isn't really adapted for video, but is rather simply a taping of a stage production (compare it to Cats - the video version _was_ staged for video). This is a mild flaw. Cats obviously takes advantage of F/X, close-ups, etc., while Pippin's camerawork is pretty much static.The standout is Ben Vereen, at his peak here carrying the show. Chita Rivera (Fastrada) and Benjamin Rayson (Charlemagne) are the best of the supporting player. Katt and Denniston are kinda weak, and Martha Raye, while adequate, isn't as good as Irene Ryan in the original Broadway production.Overall, Pippin is an entertaining musical which is competently captured on the (complete) video.