Ping Pong
Ping Pong
| 20 July 2002 (USA)
Ping Pong Trailers

As children, the introverted Smile was being bullied by a gang of kids until the brash Peco comes by and chases all of them them away. Peco then takes Smile under his wings and teaches him how to play the game of ping pong. From there a life long best friend relationship comes into existence between these two polar opposite kids.

Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Carma Simonsen A fellow screenwriter recommended this as one of his favorite films, and I rented it through Netflix. It is an absolute charmer! The buildup in the first half is a little slow, but entertaining, and by the end of the film, I had fallen in love with all of these characters.There are moments of pure and fresh delight! This story has a heart and soul - it has many! The only criticism I have is that there are not enough female characters in it. Peco's granny is terrific, but Demon's girlfriend is an annoying stereotype.Peco and Smile - an unforgettable pair. Great friendship movie, and excellent footage of table tennis at its best.I especially love the character of Smile. Great writing!
krusty_the_baker I've never seen a film about table tennis before, and this sheds a whole new light on the game by using it as a stage on which to illustrate ideas about the nature of friendship, honour and respect, both for oneself and others. This alone is ambitious, and well realised, as the relationships between the characters develop over the course of the film, but the game itself, and sport in general, are also shown in a very positive light. Dramatic cinematography of play, illustration of training techniques and acknowledgement of the roles of coaches, mentors and team-mates, wrapped with the importance of enjoyment of 'the game' being a crucial motive for those who compete in sport at the very highest levels, gave me a new respect for a game / sport about which I know virtually nothing, and for its champions. I think I probably missed something for seeing it subtitled - I was aware of ambivalence in some of the text, which understanding the spoken word, especially intonation, would have solved - but this is ever a debate when watching non-English language films. It isn't a massive problem, I was still able to empathise with credibly cast actors in consequently credible characters. This is a lovely film.
Upi Dipi I watched this movie the first time last summer and I really liked it. Now after seeing it the second time I absolutely adore it. The ending almost got me into tears and that's really something.Ping Pong is about friendship and well, table tennis. I really don't think you can call this a normal sport film because that's kind of a lame term. And this isn't a lame film.The directing is good and acting too and the whole mood of this flick is stunning, especially in the end. I got the shivers.Too bad that this is, at least for most people, really hard to find. I'm glad my friend went to Japan and by mistake got this film and then gave this to me. A weird coincidence.
krisyoungdesign This was a great movie to come out of Japan. The actors playing the roles made these characters come to life. Yôsuke Kubozuka, that played Peco (Peko) was such a dynamic character. Also, the actor that played Butterfly Joe was hysterical. The soundtrack which was a great mix of electronica and other genres, makes it so much better. And the special effects were subtle, but impressive. The effects didn't slap you in the face like the Hong Kong film Shaolin Soccer (even though I enjoyed that one too). Overall a great movie. Rent or buy it and check out the soundtrack.