Piercing Brightness
Piercing Brightness
| 01 June 2013 (USA)
Piercing Brightness Trailers

A young Chinese boy and girl are sent on a mission to retrieve the 'Glorious 100' - agents who were sent to this planet millennia ago to study and observe.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
amclean-18583 Dawood's cutting Edge analysis of post-colonial Northern England and allegory of alienation and dialectic between the settled and the Settlers, those yet to be settled, brings to the fore previously unheard of narratives of migration. positive and negative aspects of mass resettling, and the interplay of dialogue between those groups. this is a worthy film and one anyone living in modern day multi-racial Britain should watch this, end of story, it also has a club ready soundtrack which is always a plus. In an age of electronic Orientalism, images of the backward Asian as coy virgin and as demonic unbottled genie proliferate in the British media and by extension the public imagination. Hence the primary definition of a plurality of Asianness through pathological discourses around Islamic identity and a crude politics of victimology. Notwithstanding the frail premises of such parlance, its ability to reactivate a particular paranoid rationality owes much to the fetishization of technology as ideology where high-tech industry is allied to a contemporary instrumental rationality to generate a pervasive psychopathology. Within these 'modern' technoscapes perhaps we can" rethink prosthetic ideas of mechanically reproduced participatory democracy by taking on board Les Levidow's suggestion that:'If we are to subvert such reification of our collective social labour, then we will need somehow to dereify technology, to appropriate its potential for mediating social relations between people' (Levidow 1994).
frankyonco This is not a film for everybody. Closest to something like Liquid Sky it is a willfully bizarre low budget sci-fi film that owes more to experimental film-art than Spielberg-esque fantasy. Not an easy watch but rewarding and strangely memorable even if half of the time you have no idea what is going on. Funny in places, mesmeric in others, as if a British soap opera had been re-created by some alien species using only the synopsis from TV listing magazines. Bold and unapologetically bonkers. It also has a superb psychedelic soundtrack from Acid Mothers Temple. It is the sort of film that was more commonly made in the 1960s and 1970s when film makers cared more about their own vision rather than that of any potential audience.
Netjer-y-khet There is absolutely no plot in this godforsaken trash. None whatsoever. Nor is there any meaningful dialog. However the wardrobe is just out of this world for sheer creativity; especially the woman with Cheerios and Froot-Loops glued to the side of her face.The ending is just as senseless as the rest of it. This pile of junk rated at 6.2 and now it's down to 5.8.It can only be surmised that this garbage is being voted down by people actually having viewed the movie after the cast and crew voted it up.Avoid this moronic trash, unless severe brain pain is an uncontrollable fetish of yours. Seriously, it's bad.
Diane Alexander #1 A Movie should have a Plot That Actually Makes Sense Right. Two aliens land on earth to collect a team that had been sent down long ago to study and watch us. I get that. Some of the team has gone "native" and doesn't want to go back I get that too. But why were they all sent to London? We don't know. Why don't they want to go back? We don't really know? Why are they all being forced back? Don't know. Why can some remember who they were and some can't? Ibid. WTF is going on with the alien support group??? Don't even get me started. Why did the alien's daughter dissolve? What was up with her face??? Why WHY WHY ???? #2 A movie should not conflate style with substance (aka "A Movie is not a Perfume Commercial") That's right - a perfume commercial. In the middle of the far too sparse dialog there appears throughout the movie sudden shifts in imagery with a musical score tuning you in that something significant is being shown. Except it's not. What was the significance of the Japanese lady who's face is half formed out of pebbles( or something) that keeps popping up? Why was there an image of a turkey's head which kept popping up throughout the movie? At least I think it was a turkey. It might have been a vulture. Or maybe a turkey vulture - I Just Don't KNOW ! Why Shezad Dawood ? Why are you showing me this image. Surely it must mean something? It doesn't. It doesn't mean anything at all. It's just there. Damn you turkey-vulture! You mean nothing to me ! #3 A Chase Scene With Bicycles Chasing Down A Car Is Not Unique - Merely Inane There is a car chase scene. The car is being chased by alien-hybrid kids on bicycles. That's right - on bicycles. Not even racing bicycles but the kind of high-riser your little sister might have. I'm pretty sure that I saw tassels. I think the chase scene lasts a good ten minutes. One of the characters actually says (anxiously) , "They're getting closer!" Ten minutes. I can say no more.I could go on but I don't have the heart. I'm pretty sure there were some scenes meant to have comedic value. An alien goes into a bar and gets drunk ... ha ha. Such scenes fell flat. This is they type of movie that some people are going to be afraid to critique properly because it seems somehow avant-garde and they perhaps might be afraid of being outed for an idiot but I am here to tell you that the turkey-vulture has no clothes and that this movie is a piercing waste of one's time.