The McPherson Tape
The McPherson Tape
NR | 01 January 1989 (USA)
The McPherson Tape Trailers

On October 8th, 1983, the Van Heese family gathered together to celebrate the 5th birthday of Michelle, the littlest member of their household. Everything was captured on VHS by Michael McPherson and his new camcorder — including the alien invasion.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
B-MovieDork Ah, the infamous "real" McPherson Tape. Hugely controversial among the alien abduction enthusiasts, hundreds of people still think that this the real deal. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but it isn't. Still, this is probably the most believable found footage movie I've ever seen, as it really does feel as if you're watching an actual VHS camcorder home video of a real Midwestern family in the early 1980s. The alien abductions themselves are not really the focus here. The focus seems to be the tension that this family feels while being scared out of their wits. I prefer this original version over the 1997 made-for-television remake, Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County, which screamed "fake" right from the get go: awful acting, no chemistry between the actors/characters, overblown effects and laughable "documentary interviews" interspersed to insult the viewer's intelligence. Even though this original version is bare bones and lacking in alien action, it still manages to be taught, atmospheric, well acted, and most of all, believable. This has been next to impossible to find for decades, but thankfully someone has uploaded a pirated copy on the internet recently. If you are a fan of the remake, aliens/UFOs, found footage or just underground cinema in general, do yourself a favor and check it out. But just remember, its only a movie! There is no REAL "McPherson Tape" floating around out there. The name of the family in this original version isn't even McPherson, its Van Heese.
mikeesimmons Im not going to waste to much time on this film...what are people thinking when they say "scary" are you kidding I've seen scarier care bear movies, the acting is shocking the whole think is soooo set up and I mean my 15 year old brother could make more realistic alien's in his school lessons...! Don't waste your time unless within 20 minutes of watching you want to split your sides with laughing due to the bad acting and the shoddy effects...! SPOILER - I mean at one point after the blokes see the aliens they actually sit down to eat a meal? Would you do that? And also through most of the house scene the mother is still carrying a glass of wine, think I would have dropped that a while back if anything was near real??
willistaylor i seen the film last night, it freaked me out, it looks so real and is one of those films where you don't go for a pee until the end, i thought it was real happenings until the end when the characters names came up which confused me. so id like to know.. has there actually been a real abduction of the McPherson's and this was just a live remake of the what happened or is it just a load of bull? because you only ever here of things like this from Americans, abductions always seem to happen in America, however if anyone knows if this is a film based on true events and the McPherson's are actually missing, please post a return with info.. thanks!
dogpoocleaner If you ever need a good fright, definatly try and get a hold of the McPherson tapes. Very Blair Witch style in direction etc (and it was made before BWP). This is basically about a group of americans having thanksgiving dinner when Aliens attack the house. It's amazing. The acting is very amateur, but very real feeling, u can actually feel their fear. Definatly 10/10!