R | 01 September 1975 (USA)
Pick-up Trailers

Sexy hippie chicks Carol and Maureen get more than they bargained for when they hitch a ride with groovy hippie dude Chuck in his nifty mobile bus home. The trio get lost in the Florida Everglades following a fierce rain storm and embark on a startling spiritual journey of self-discovery.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
TheExpatriate700 When I selected this film out of a Drive-In Classics set, I was expecting a typical "don't hitchhike" exploitation / horror movie. What I actually got was something far more bizarre and interesting. Long story made short, two girls hitch a ride on a mobile home and end up stuck in the Everglades. Lots of sexual hijinks ensue.What separates this film from any number of exploitation movies are the bizarre visions experienced by one mentally disturbed character. Although they border on the nonsensical, these sequences show a level of creativity not usually associated with this genre. Furthermore, whether by careful restoration, good quality film stock, or sheer luck, the film looks far better than many mainstream films from the 70s now on DVD.That said, this film is not the work of art some fans make it out to be. The dialogue is often laughable, particularly in the case of the exasperated boss of the mobile home driver. Furthermore, the "Everglades" looks like it is actually an amusement park's safari ride- highly manicured and obviously not really wild. The sex scenes are basically soft core, and go on for so long that they become boring.Overall, I cannot recommend this movie, but at the same time, it is just weird enough to be worth a rental.
toyman1967 I am beginning to think that I wasted my money on the Drive-In Cult Classics set!!!! This is the third movie that I watched from this 8-pack set and they are just getting worse and worse. I am not expecting academy award winners but I was expecting something at least watchable. The only good thing about this movie was the cool bus!!! I've seen hotter soft core porn on the late night Oxygen Channel show "Bliss". I do have to admit that the two lead women are 70's exploitation HOTTIES and that's why I'm giving this film 2 stars for obviously naked reasons. I sure do hope these movies in this set get better.
Wouldyabelieve Picked up Drive-In Cult Classics and this is the first movie I watched. The movie started off with the potential for an interesting psycho-type adventure. Instead, as mentioned in another review, the movie gets pretty disjointed awfully fast.Two very attractive women (girls) are pick-up by a dude who is driving a bus which is really a mobile home. They get lost in the everglades and start to experience some weird stuff. Flashbacks and psychic experiences start to make the movie uneven to watch. The ending is consistent with the rest of the movie.Plenty of gratuitous nudity which back in 1975 I probably appreciated.
christopher-underwood Wow! I'm just a sucker for stuff like this. A real trippy trip and a real surprise. I was expecting crap camera-work, crap acting and silly story comprising a decent little, grind house piece of sleaze. But no, someone had genuine aspirations here and if it doesn't completely come off, it is certainly a super, one off of a movie that manages to encapsulate a brief moment in western youth culture. But leaving aside any seriousness this is such a great movie to watch with such super widescreen cinematography. Two girls and a guy and a converted bus are cavorting their way to deliver the said auto when they end up lost in the Everglades and just decide to enjoy themselves. Bright, cheery, sexy, yes maybe a little pretentious but it has such a glow about it that it would be churlish to complain. Just when I was beginning to wonder if this was going anywhere at all there is a most impressive burst of violence and it's over. You won't have seen a film quite like this before.