Phase 7
Phase 7
| 13 July 2010 (USA)
Phase 7 Trailers

A man protects his pregnant wife from their neighbors after the apartment is quarantined.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Donald Buehler Drama? Comedy? Apocalyptic horror? Yes to all three. This has all the elements needed to make a great story. It will appeal to horror fans - 2nd amendment enthusiasts - doomsday preppers - conspiracy theorists - gun enthusiasts - even pregnant ladies!!!!This story is about the swift decline of society due to a flu pandemic - is well written - well acted - good special effects - with a cheesy enough score to remind you of the best of grade B drive in movies. I enjoyed it thoroughly.First - the relationship between the star of the show Martin and his pregnant wife is great - he's so not ready for an apocalypse - and for the first 25% of the movie they are "Business as usual - what's all the fuss?" (a la Sean of the Dead). He pulls typical husband stunts like not checking the light bulb he just bought, but he recovers from that blinder with the use of a black light in his apartment which gives them all a 70's neon glow.One thing you'll learn is when the apocalypse comes, look for a friend like Horatio. Talk about some body who is ready!!! He made me want to run to the Kroger's store and gun store before the end of the movie. (Can you say Michael Gros in the first Tremors? - Horatio has a better stash of weapons.) But the highlight of the movie is the writing and the humor. The neighbors trying to convince their other neighbor that they "just want to talk" as they wave a meat tenderizer around. The Health Inspector who is obviously on his last legs. Martin in the astronaut's outfit - turning his face light on when they are stalking Zanutto. ("TUrn it off, you schmuck") Martin not knowing he had a pistol and not a revolver. Dialogue worthy of Sean of the Dead type humor.And the liberal use of the term "dickhead" is hilarious, and quite applicable.Plus definitely enough ineffective gun play that I thought was watching the gun fight on this week's Breaking Bad. How it is possible to shoot that many shot guns, pistols and assault weapons without hitting anyone is pretty amazing.All in all - something for everyone (unless you are a Nichols Sparks fan). Highly recommended. The Argentinians hit a home run with this one.DonB
microfame I've lately been finding myself repeatedly impressed with foreign "horror" films, such as 'Black Water' and 'The Reef' from Australia and 'The Dead' from England, set in Africa, and to this I'll add Argentina's 'Phase 7'. I think it highlights how formulaic and risk-averse Hollywood cinema has become. When I watch foreign films with 'real' characters you can care about, I think "that's what's missing from newer American films!" And to the reviewers who complained about Pipi's violent mood swings, you've never lived with a pregnant wife or girlfriend, pal! As a Stormtroopers of Death fan back in my youth, I was on board the moment the menu came up with S.O.D.'s signature tune chugging away. Coco and Pipi's neighbor, Horatio, is just the kind of guy you WANT living next door when the world ends. I laughed out loud when Coco has to admit he has no idea what Horatio's military hand signals mean, when they are up on the roof. These foreign films are treading on such well-worn cinematic paths, yet they seem so fresh to me. Well worth seeing. And I've been wondering since I watched Phase 7, about the young couple and the Chinese being the only survivors into the 'new world'.....could be a message there....
Red-Barracuda A block of flats is quarantined off as a result of a deadly virus that is sweeping the world. The inhabitants quickly succumb to psychological deterioration as paranoia and claustrophobia set in.This Argentinean epidemic movie is pretty impressive. Its setting is necessarily limited but the film-makers make the most of it. The narrative is powered mainly by a decent array of characters, well played by the entire cast. The dramatic tensions in Phase 7 come not so much from the virus but from the interactions between the neighbours. As time goes on the microcosmic society of the tower block breaks down and primal instincts begin to take over. The scenario is not unlike one you would imagine J.D. Ballard coming up with, with its look at social norms deteriorating rapidly as they are tested under unusual conditions. The movie benefits too from a nice moody soundtrack that recalls the work of John Carpenter. There is at least one very well executed – and unexpected – gore scene too. In fact, the movie moves into some quite tense thriller territory in the final third. So overall, it tries to make the most of its basic set-up and deliver some suspense and atmosphere along the way. Phase 7 is a very worthwhile psychological sci-fi thriller.
agoldszier I just came out of the cinema, had dinner with a girl, and we started talking about Fase 7, we are both Argentinian, she didn't like it, i thought it was very good. Daniel Hendler is a very good actor, who I've seen in other Argentinian movies, he acts really well and is always funny, even without trying. At some point it resembles the movie QUARANTINE, but with a totally different approach, im not saying it is a masterpiece, but you really won't be disappointed. Yayo surprised me in a very good way, here we are used to see him perform in some funny sketches, in Fase 7 he is hilarious but you really can not tell he is an amateur in the movies. Anyway, if you are guy, you will probably be at the edge of you seat waiting to see what happens next, or the next part where you will laugh, if you are girl, please don't try to overthink it, don't relate it to the society or anything like that, just seat back and enjoooooy.