Personal Property
Personal Property
| 19 March 1937 (USA)
Personal Property Trailers

Raymond Dabney returns to his family after trouble with the law. He convinces the sheriff to give him a job watching the house and furniture of widow Crystal Wetherby without knowing she is engaged to his brother.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
vincentlynch-moonoi I was looking forward to watching this film, because I have come to appreciate more Robert Taylor's films, and more recently enjoyed several of Jean Harlow's films. But, at least to me, the situation or "set up" for this film was way too contrived to be believable. I just don't believe that even the basic situation -- that a man would be required to live in a woman's house under these circumstances -- is just beyond belief.I have no complaint about the performances. Taylor was good in light comedy. I did think -- as another reviewer mentioned -- that Harlow was a bit heavy handed here. However, the chemistry works, even if (at least for me) the plot didn't. Throw in some old reliables -- Reginald Owen, the delightful Una O'Connor, and Cora Witherspoon, and you have the ingredients for a good comedy...except it didn't pan out.I don't recommend this film. Both leads have far better fare you can select from.
jarrodmcdonald-1 Jean Harlow received a ring from beau William Powell when this film was in production. She wears it at nearly every turn, except during the dish washing scene. Miss Harlow's wearing of the ring and incorporating it into the actions of the character she's playing seems very significant. It's a personal validation of who she is and what she's worth. There is a moment where Robert Taylor asks her in the film about her plans to marry, and it is clear that when replying, Harlow is not the character in the story, but her real self, commenting on her own plans to marry Powell. Unfortunately, that did not happen, but we know that she had been given not only a ring, but the gift of real love. And it's great to watch that in this film.
Michael_Elliott Personal Property (1937) ** (out of 4) Robert Taylor gets a job for the sheriff and his first case is babysitting for a rich woman (Jean Harlow) who recently lost her husband. This film is a remake of the 1931 movie The Man in Possession but since I haven't seen that one I can't compare the two. From what I've read this version was watered down due to the Hayes Code and that comes off true watching the film because Harlow's sexuality tries to get displayed but the screenplay keeps it at a distance. Another problem in the screenplay is that it comes off rather lazy and doesn't feature anything very original or funny for that matter. The whole joke in the second half has Taylor acting as the Butler and we get several childish jokes, which just don't work. Harlow sleepwalks through her role but then again she isn't given too much to do. Taylor doesn't come off any better and Una O'Connor is wasted in her role.
Marc Jean Harlow and Robert Taylor in this wonderful, sparkling and enjoyable comedy makes for great entertainment. After reading two other users reviews, I had to add my own review.Watch, rent or own this film and it is worthy of adding to your collection. Harlow and Taylor make an excellent comedy team and the only disappointing thing I can say about this experience is that they didn't get to work together again. From the opening scene to the final denouement, the story is charming, and the wit bumps along at a great pace, no sluggish direction here, charming characters and stunning costumes make this a wonderful experience. If only they had made more comedies like this one.If there is one let down in the production, it is the fact that it is a little hemmed in with the sets which while glamorous and smart, are a little claustrophobic and limiting. The picnic scene could have added a welcome breath of fresh air if filmed on location, and a welcome break from the interior shots.I have enjoyed this film immensely and have given it a worthy 10 from 10. Harlow and handsome Taylor are a great looking couple, so glad to see them together at the end. Harlow sparkles as always in comedy and she is right in her element in this one.