Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin
Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin
| 14 May 1991 (USA)
Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin Trailers

David Katz is a world famous magician and he comes to Denver with his group to perform for a charity gala for disabled children. Also there is Perry and Della as all three are supporters of the charity. Kate Ford, an assistant with an arrogant attitude, tells David that she is, from now on, going to do an illusion in which an assistant is raised in a glass coffin only to disappear when the coffin is opened up in the air (while the assistant climbs out before the coffin is raised.) After a one night stand with David, Kate is pregnant and she blackmails David with this. David and his wife Judy can't have children so that comes as a double blow to them. However Kate, with her attitude, creates much hatred at her from the rest of the group. At the gala, the glass coffin is raised but when it opens Kate's dead body falls to the ground - strangled.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
sol1218 ***SPOILERS*** The made for TV movie "The Case of the Glass Coffin" seems to be the first case that defense attorney Perry Mason, Raymond Burr, handled that he not only won which is like almost 100% of the cases he takes on but was actually an eye witness to!It's when world famous magician David Katz, Peter Scolari, did his flying coffin act at Denver's famous Paramount Theater that when the latch opened to show that no one was in it the coffin girl Kate Ford, Nancy Lee Grahn, suddenly popped out and fell some 30 feet to her death by breaking her neck! As things soon came out it was Kate who blackmailed David in getting her to be the coffin girl which may well have been the reason for him to do her in!Threatening to go public in David having an affair with her on a cold night back in Portland, after having one too many shots of Yukon Jack, Kate has the evidence in her being impregnated by him! Now with both his marriage to his faithful wife Judy, Kim Barden, as well as career in jeopardy David may well have been driven to murder Kate in order to keep her from talking! What ended up in saving David from taking a trip to the Colorado State death house was Terry Weidner, Kate Vernon, who secretly videotaped the entire glass coffin event that in the end proved that David was in fact innocent! ***SPOILERS**** Innocent in him not knowing that he was set up to take the rap by something who was part of the glass coffin act! Someone who had it in for Kate and waited eight years to get the chance to kill her for something she did back in her home town of Hasting when she was then known as Greta Eisner!It's both Perry's legman and human punching bag Ken Malansky, William R.Moses, as well as Terry who tracked down Kate's previous existence as Greta Eiseman and what it had to do with her being murdered as Kate Ford eight years later. Malansky for his part really gets worked over by some local homeboys for his snooping around in Hastings into business that Kate's pop Mr.Henry Eisner, Richard Jury, wants him to keep his nose out of! In the end the truth comes out in what exactly Kate or Greta did back there that had someone go so far as to get a job with David's magic show so that he or she can get their hands on her and put Kate in the local hospital morgue! Something that was covered up back in Hasting and kept from seeing the light of day until Malansky and Terry finally unearthed it!
Thomas Sandman they decide to post a list of "special extras" - I just wanted to inform IMDb that I was the usher at the beginning of the movie. Pretty silly to mention, but hey - that's just 10 seconds of my 15 minutes of fame, and I'm not letting it go unmentioned. I was in Denver when they shot the earlier parts of the episode at the Paramount Theater in Denver, Colorado. Peter Scalari worked very hard on the magic sequences and it was quite entertaining for all who were lucky to be invited to "work" as the audience. Although I never got to see Raymond Burr in action that day (they shot his parts a few days later), he returned to shoot another of his movies I signed up to work on but it never came to see the light of television. I know this makes for quite the biased commentary on my view of the film, but I enjoyed watching every minute. (even all the other ones that I wasn't in.) Cheers! Tommy Sandman
bkoganbing Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin finds Raymond Burr defending David Copperfield/Rick Blaine like magician Peter Scolari from a murder charge involving one of his assistants. A trick involving a suspended glass coffin in midair goes awry and the body of Nancy Grahn comes a tumbling out.Nancy was one of six female assistants who work with the act and we learn two things about her. First in a moment of drunken weakness, Scolari got seduced by her and she claims she was impregnated. Secondly she is living under an assumed name and had a secret from her past.Billy Moses who probably never thought he'd be doing such rough stuff back in law school gets to tangle with a couple of good old boys when goes seeking the truth in Grahn's home town. A little more action than usual for Ken Malansky, he almost gets himself killed. One big flaw in this mystery is simple forensics. The medical examiner's report should have provided concrete evidence that the victim was killed in such a way that Scolari could not possibly have done the deed. The police should have been looking in a different direction for the killer. When you see who the killer is you won't blame the individual, but you'll also see how the investigating officer James McEachin got it wrong from the start. It kind of spoils this particular Mason film.
bob the moo David Katz is a famous stage magician who is putting on a charity show to benefit a children's charity supported by Perry Mason. On the day of the show one of his assistants, Kate Ford, tells him she is pregnant due to an affair they had, and tries to blackmail him. Later that night a trick appears to go wrong and Ford is killed and Katz arrested. Mason takes the case and tries to find out who else had a motive for murder. Meanwhile Ken Malansky travels out to Ford's hometown to get background information, only to find that some people want to cover something up.If you've seen one of these things then you've seen them all. The legal realism of these shows are always very doubtful but the drama is still enjoyable. Here for example the whole court is moved to the scene of the crime for some reason or other! Mason does his usual ripping into the witness stuff which is good but can get a bit tiresome because you know that they're all red herrings and the real person is only really examined at the end. Ken's investigation is better than usual here and it does have a genuine feel of PI work as facts are uncovered which expose the truth. It's nothing special but enjoyable.Burr, Hale and Moses are all very comfortable and don't try too hard. Moses loves his role as he gets to be an action hero and jump around despite his daft hair. The support cast all skulk around looking a little guilty in attempts to try and throw us all off the scent – they do alright. The usual `surprise face' in the Mason TVM's this time is Bob Gunton who does a good job as the Asst DA, but I always felt David Stiers was a better foil for MasonOverall this is nothing special and is pretty basic when compared to much more sensational courtroom dramas.