Perfect Understanding
Perfect Understanding
| 24 February 1933 (USA)
Perfect Understanding Trailers

A young couple decide to marry under the condition that they agree never to disagree. That agreement is soon put to the test when the husband finds himself attracted to a beautiful young woman.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
JohnHowardReid Perfect Understanding (1932) seems to be the movie that everyone loves to hate. But I enjoyed it – right up to the last quarter-hour or so. I thought Gloria Swanson was in fine form, even though super-lovely Genevieve Tobin had the more suitable role. Admittedly, Laurence Olivier tended to be a bit dull at times, though his boat-racing sequence was a genuine thrill. My only real quarrel was with the climactic courtroom scenes which – although produced on a grand scale – were just too outlandishly ridiculous to be taken seriously. I was also a bit disappointed that John Halliday's role disappears about halfway through. It would have made more dramatic sense to save him for the courtroom climax which needed a steadying influence and now comes across as just too absurdly farcical. Halliday would have given these scenes a believable basis in solid reality. I thought this stratagem was so obvious that I actually kept waiting for his re-appearance, but no such luck. Now I wonder what Halliday was doing in the movie at all. Why go to a lot of trouble to introduce a character into the plot, make a big to-do about establishing his credentials and then drop that character when you most need him? It doesn't make sense! And there's yet another player who is elaborately introduced into the action and then simply dropped – although she is still referred to in the dialogue – namely the super-lovely Genevieve Tobin! Well, maybe it was a case of making a film in haste and repenting at leisure. Available on an excellent Cohen DVD.
MartinHafer "Perfect Understanding" is a simply dreadful film--very, very dated, dull and filled with folks you really cannot relate to or like. It also features the rather odd romantic pairing of Gloria Swanson and Laurence Oliver--a pairing that doesn't quite work.The film begins with Swanson singing--something you just don't need to hear unless you are a masochist. Fortunately, Olivier's character didn't love her singing either, though otherwise they play rich folks who have nothing better to do than go to parties, travel the world and talk...a lot. And one of the things they love to talk about is their love for each other. However, Swanson's character is apprehensive to marry, as she's afraid that over time their love will fade. So, they agree to marry and stay married until they begin to argue (ooo, how romantic).The biggest problem about this film is that it was the Depression and folks were out of work. So, such a mannered and dull film involving the rich and lazy seems strange--and hard to enjoy. The characters seemed rather one-dimensional and annoying. In particular, Swanson's acting didn't help, though Olivier did a nice job in spite of the film's many shortcomings. Dull and probably not worth your time.
wes-connors In England, American designer Gloria Swanson (as Judith "Judy" Rogers) and London playboy Laurence Olivier (as Nicholas "Nick" Randall) are madly in love. To insure marriage won't ruin their bliss, they decide to wed with a unique "Perfect Understanding" contract. The pledge is, "Never to be husband and wife, but lover and mistress - and above everything else, to remain individual." After the honeymoon, Ms. Swanson decorates their London apartment while Mr. Olivier vacations in Cannes with friends Michael Farmer (Swanson's real-life husband) and Genevieve Tobin (as George and Kitty Drayton)...The men show off chests in the new style of swimming trunks...Before a boating race, Olivier drinks too much and beds ex-lover Nora Swinburne (as Stephanie). Consequently, Swanson must consider Olivier's request for forgiveness while being tempted to accept an invitation for extra-marital sex with John Halliday (as Ivan Ronnson). One of the biggest "silent" stars of the 1920s, Swanson made a successful transition to "talkies" - but audiences did not return to see her in roles like this. Accompanied by frequent dramatic flourishes of music, she makes little progress abandoning silent manners; ironically, "Sunset Boulevard" (1950) took full advantage of these skills.**** Perfect Understanding (2/24/33) Cyril Gardner ~ Gloria Swanson, Laurence Olivier, Michael Farmer, Genevieve Tobin
malcolmgsw By the time that Gloria Swanson made this film it was clear that her screen career was in terminal decline and that the only way of continuing to make films was to finance them herself.this film is truly awful and there is not one good thing to say about it.Swanson acts at times as if she is still making a silent film with too much overreacting.Olivier is at his mannered worst.Only a great director like Wyler could teach him how to act for the camera.The music is loud and intrusive in the worst traditions of mickey mousing.As for the script well that is laughable.It is totally implausible.The climax in the Divorce Courts is ridiculous.The idea that in the middle of a Court hearing one partner decides he loves the other too much and cant go through with it is more suited to an Aldwych farce.It is one of the few failings of this otherwise excellent site that fans of stars can see no wrong in their favourite and feel that they must give every film they appear in a 10.If you are a fan of Swanson you will probably like this ,if not well it is only worth watching for its curiosity value.