Perfect Game
Perfect Game
PG | 18 April 2000 (USA)
Perfect Game Trailers

An eleven-year-old boy finds a way of overcoming life's obstacles with the help of a grumpy coach who aids him in having the best summer of his life.

Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
NTMuller-1 This is the worst movie we've ever rented for our kids. We kept watching to see if it would eventually get better, but were disappointed. We can put up with bad behavior by main characters in a kids' movie as long as at least some of them learn their lessons and make changes. However, this never happens, except in reverse - a mother who seems to have the right values loses them. Even the baseball scenes were sub-par, though our 5-year-old "heavy hitter" did enjoy them. Thankfully, neither of our kids ever wants to see the movie again. If you want a GREAT baseball film suitable for the family, check out "The Rookie," with Dennis Quaid. Not only is it a great movie, it is very faithful to the true story upon which it is based. Our whole family loved the movie and it may soon be found on our purchased video shelf. Avoid "Perfect Game" like the plague!
Allie (Awesome8SimpleRules) This is a really good movie to watch with children or on your own when you need a smile or both. Little Cameron Finley is a really sweet little boy in this movie,you really feel for him at times when he misses.He and the other children in this movie are really good,the things they say and act are really funny at times.Patrick Duffy is really mean to the kids in this. Edward Asner is great as the kids coach,really teaching them about baseball and having fun,which is important.He has some really funny one liners aswell.Tracy Nelson is great as Kanin's mom,being really supportive and careing to all the kids on the team,she also has some good one-liners.Chelsea Parnell who plays Logan has some great one-liners in this movie!she is really a sweet little girl:)give this movie a go,you'll find it really sweet and good-its for the child in you.
xfile1971 Would it have killed the makers of this movie to even attempt to do something worthwhile? This is a kids' baseball movie that has been done too many times already.The setup: The "evil" coach Bobby Geiser (Patrick Duffy) has won eight consecutive local Little League Championships and all the other coaches are jealous of him. In order to try and even the playing field, Geiser agrees to allow a lot of kids who aren't very good at baseball to be on his team. Our hero, 10 year old Kanin, is going to be on Coach Geiser's team this year. So what's the problem? To be honest, I'm really not sure. The kids' parents flip out when they find out that the coach has been holding extra practices for his good players in order to make sure they stay sharp.This is where the movie nosedives even further. The parents decide to get rid of the coach and all of the good players on their team. Then they tell their kids that they should just cancel the rest of their season and not even play anymore. It's twisted logic which I can't understand. Why make your kids stop playing a sport they love simply because the coach was holding extra practices? Just goes to show you how parents are ruining youth sports programs these days...even in the movies!Anyway, I won't spoil how things turn out but I need to get one more gripe off of my chest. In several scenes, the baseball used during the games is not real. It is an extremely poor computer special effect. Has the film industry sunk so low that they can't have a baseball movie using a real baseball? Why use CGI when you don't even have to? This movie has no soul. 1/10
SteveM-6 This little gem is a wonderful film for the entire family. It deals with a little boy's self-esteem and how it is effected by his being accepted to play on a winning little league baseball team. Having just lost his father to cancer, the boy seems lost in the world of his own imagination. While this all seems pretty dark, it is in fact a funny, warm and charming film that has a little something for every member of the family. Four stars and two thumbs up!
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