| 02 April 2011 (USA)
Pelt Trailers

Sudden, gory death hides behind every bush. When beautiful Jennifer and her friends embark on a backpacking excursion deep into the woods, they come chest to chest with an evil as old as the trees. Listen...above the crackling of the that the sound of a twig snapping or your best girlfriend's neck? The interlopers discover that when the locals warn you not to trespass, it's a warning you should heed.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
qmtv I got this movie in a 10 movies for $5 from amazon, "Pretty Dead" set. The first movie I watched was Pretty Dead, and it was ok, at least some decent ideas and I did not have to use the fast forward button. Playing the guitar also distracted me from falling asleep in the slow and boring sections. The second film I watched was actually decent, The Sacred.I then watched Occupied, below the barrel garbage that should be avoided. If you don't believe me, then just put it on and see how long it takes for you to shut it off or just fast forward through this mess. Ok, after watching 1 ok film Pretty Dead, 1 decent film, The Sacred, 1 complete garbage, Occupied, we have Pelt. Basically Pelt is a bunch of unlikable young people camping and getting killed by some red neck or something. So, the story is garbage. But what is worse is the dialogue, the acting, just garbage all the way. I had to fast forward most of this. But after watching Occupied, at least this movie had some decent kills and suspense. The only, ONLY redeeming quality of this film is I watched it after watching Occupied. Do not watch this movie. This movie makes Friday the 13th a masterpiece, which it certainly is not. As a film on its own, Rating is an F, 1 star. If you watch it after Occupied, rating is a D, or 3 stars. You may even give it a A, or 10 stars after Occupied.
Woodyanders Stop me if you've already heard this one before: A group of friends trespass on private property so they can gain access a hard to find nature trail. Naturally, they find themselves deep in the remote woods with a ferocious redneck killer (hulking Larry Laliberte) who doesn't take kindly to any strangers on his land.While writer/director Richard Swindell delivers a few effectively wince-inducing moments of nasty and gruesome violence and deserves some praise for giving this film a strong and unwavering nihilistic streak, he alas crucially fails to offer a single remotely likable or sympathetic character; instead each and every last person present herein is so incredibly annoying and unappealing that one quite simply doesn't care if any of these insufferably obnoxious jerks lives or dies, which in turn completely negates any tension this picture needs to really work. Moreover, the hackneyed pain-by-the-numbers script not only suffers from an appalling excess of tin-eared profane dialogue, but also doesn't do anything fresh or inspired with the trite premise (for example, it's pretty obvious the token black guy isn't going to survive). And while the gals are hot, there's unfortunately no gratuitous female nudity to compensate for this picture's glaring weaknesses. On the plus side, Jeff Samuelson's sharp cinematography makes neat occasional use of dissolves and overhead camera angles and the capable cast do their best with the shoddy material. But overall this one sizes up as a real clunker.
FilmFatale There are some decent "killer redneck" movies, and even some that are bad enough to be fun. However, I didn't find any reason for Pelt to exist. The first problem, as many have mentioned, is that the seven main characters (three crude hot chicks and four crude bros) are completely unlikable in their establishing scenes. They are rude and horrible to every single person that crosses their respective paths. Therefore, we don't care whether they live or die - we actively want to see all of them get taken out. Which brings me to my second problem with Pelt - we don't get to see them taken out. Most of the kills take place just out of camera range, so after taking the time to set these characters up as the worst people on earth and making us suffer through spending time with them, we are denied our money shots - heck, even a nice close up of the aftermaths would be better than nothing. Finally, I am told that Pelt is supposed to be a horror comedy but the big problem with that is it's not funny. It's terrible, and there are times you can't do anything but laugh at what's happening on the screen, but there's a difference between laughing at and laughing with. There's plenty of stupid behavior and bad dialogue, but the whole thing is so inept that it's hard to tell what's awful for laughs and what's just poor script/performance/direction. It also fails as parody because it doesn't seem to have enough understanding of the slasher subgenre to effectively spoof it. I did feel generous enough to give Pelt a 2 instead of a 1 solely because of how the most horrid female character dies and for the zip-up onesie rubber ducky pajamas one character wears through most of the movie. There are many movies out there worse than Pelt, but that doesn't make Pelt worth sitting through.
Michael O'Keefe Maybe a little better than expected, but all the same this story is so predictable and not exactly original. The story is about a group of twenty-something friends (obviously played by actors thirty-something)taking a hiking trip in deep woods of Caveland, Kentucky. The hikers are warned by locals not to dare trespass on private property. This group is made up of party people, not nature lovers...not hikers for that matter. Gulp down some beers, take a toke or two and have some secluded sex; all interrupted by a crazed lumberjack. Let the gore, splatter, slice and dice begin. Fools that they are to leave civilization; there is no trip back home. Castmembers: Ashley Watkins, Travis Goodman, Sarah Zurell, Ryan Boone, Amber Bollinger, Justin Welborn and Larry Lallberte.