Peep World
Peep World
R | 25 March 2011 (USA)
Peep World Trailers

On the day of their Father's 70th birthday party, four siblings come to terms with the publication of a novel written by the youngest sibling, that exposes the family's most intimate secrets.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
john32935 We have another entry in the competition for worst movie I have seen this year.The cast is quite good but the story reveals nothing new (or funny) to the audience. (Hint - the movie contains a narrator telling me that the powers to be also felt something was missing and needed help to reach the audience.) So here is what the movie gives us in the way of clichés. Families don't always get along - but come together in a crisis. Check. Families have quirky characters. Check. Children disappoint their parents and parents disappoint their children. Check and check.There are a couple of jokes that land but mostly they do not. The movie then further confuses the story by throwing in true husband-wife conflict which unrealistically resolves itself very quickly.Here, a rich and absent father has 4 children, none who measure up to his expectations and who are fighting amongst themselves about the family's dysfunctionality as revealed in the youngest son's popular book. The book which is the center of the movie is never discussed in an revealing detail nor are of the embarrassing revelations contained in it. Here is where the comedy could have blossomed as these revelations could have given us an insight into the characters far greater than the one liner assessments offered up my dad - "princess," "failure" and "loser." This movie just blatantly misses the mark on giving us anything worth watching.To see my other movie reviews, please visit:
cofemug A movie armed with such a strong cast of comedians, you almost expect a movie like this to be open scripted hilarity. Sure there'd be a script, but the comedians are given free reign to riff on the situations to try to make them comedic, and to make them their own. You'd have some semblance of a hurried background story in order to get to the dinner section where all hell breaks loose and biting hilarity ensues.This is not that movie.That movie would have been amazing with this cast.This movie is a strictly scripted dysfunctional family Indie comedy that is more dramatic than comedic. Which could be OK, if the characters were well drawn instead of being broad stereotypes put into clichéd situations. The screw-up, the good kid, the princess, the absent father, the ignored mother, and the successful kid who puts it all to paper. This is every crappy family movie crossed with Woody Allen's Deconstructing Harry...minus the snark, bite, or reason. The father's speech at the end telling everybody that they are responsible for their own misery is the only change from this formula.The movie is hollow. And, maybe that's the point. Maybe the writer is bitter about all the other family dysfunction films that send the blame up the chain. And, so he made a film that was as hollow as he felt the other movies to be, with the father being the writer's voice saying "you guys are your own problems." But, if this IS the case, this sort of po-mo response doesn't make it a good movie...or, for that matter, an entertaining one.That's not to say this movie is completely terrible. It does have fleeting flashes of actual humor, mainly involving Leslie Ann Warren as the ignored mother and Taraji P. Henson as the screw-up's doting girlfriend, both of whom are criminally underused. But, as I said, they're fleeting flashes of humor with the rest of the film's humor being empty.Skip it.2/10
cskehull I was very disappointed in Peep World. I had high expectations for the movie because some of my favorite actors/comedians are in it. It is ironic that the title of the movie is Peep World and that implies you are peeping in the private lives of the characters, but that never happens. The talent was not enough to make the movie worth watching. The movie had a weird feeling to it as if you didn't start watching it from the beginning. It felt more like you started watching it in the middle and missed all the important stuff that sets up the movie. The story was about how one son's book, Peep World, affected his family. But, you never get to know all the horrible revelations that are in the book. There were very few vague references to what is in the book so you have no idea what the characters are actually going through. This movie could have been a lot better if they included the back story of what was in the book. We have no idea who these characters are and what they have been through in their dysfunctional life. So, without that, you can't relate to what they are going though now. The only positive thing I can say about the movie is at least two of the actors did a good job with their characters. Rainn Wilson was good as Joel and when I watched him it was nice not to see Dwight from the Office. Michael C. Hall was very convincing as Jack. I did feel his character's pain, frustration and humiliation. He felt real to me, probably because the frustrations he had about always having to be the "good one," the good son, good brother and the one with all the responsibility. I am in that situation daily with my own dysfunctional family and I hate it too so I really felt a connection to Jack at that point. Everybody else in the movie was just so-so. It's too bad that this movie did not go more into the contents of the book so that we could have had a background of the whole essence of the movie. Without that, the movie fell flat, very flat.
Jason Schmidt Among the worst films of the year. It's a complete rip off of Arrested Development with much worse writing. It's rarely funny and only in a superficial sitcom sort of way. The characters are predictable and unauthentic. It gets worse as it develops toward the culminating "dinner scene" where the script actually attempts to go serious and sad. It's rather difficult to make your audience feel empathy for characters that are laughably bogus within a superficial storyline. The writer and director should chose different careers. I will never waste my $10 on any film I see them a part of in the future. Unfortunately, the many decent actors, especially Sarah Silverman have tainted their careers in this aberration and abomination of a production. Save your money and time and watch TV or go make love to your husband or wife. Jesus, when am I going to write enough of lines to satisfy the review requirements. In case you hadn't gotten the gist, Peep World is not worth wasting any more words for.