Patrick Still Lives
Patrick Still Lives
| 15 May 1980 (USA)
Patrick Still Lives Trailers

A group of strangers are summoned to the secluded home of Patrick, a young man rendered comatose after a freak accident, but soon find themselves falling victim to Patrick's mysterious psychic powers and murderous rage.

StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Oslo Jargo (Bartok Kinski) *** This review may contain spoilers *** *Plot and ending analyzed*Patrick Still Lives could have been an interesting concept, but it is a tedious bore since they do nothing with the premise. It is an Italian horror film, so they ripped someone off, the case being here, Patrick (1978) from Australia. Patrick (1978) was a creepy film I remember. Patrick Still Lives says it is a sequel, but don't be mislead. It is a padding time of one hour and a few nude scenes and horror scenes with green eyes superimposed on the screen. That's pretty much it. Even the nudity can't carry this boring film.The corny premise is that a doctor, whose son, Patrick, who got tagged by someone in a car with a bottle, is out for revenge. He invites some dull people to a villa where he has three living specimens on tables who are engaging Patrick, who is on another bed, with psychical energy.The problem with the film is that nothing happens at all, the people talk us to death, and there's no sense of horror at all.Patrick (2013) was even worse, substituting the boring scenes with boring CGI images.
Michael_Elliott Patrick Still Lives (1980)** 1/2 (out of 4) Patrick is standing by the side of the road when a speeding van passes by and someone throws a bottle out. It hits Patrick in the head and soon he is in a coma. His doctor father attached him to some weird machines and soon he's using mental powers to kill a bunch of people staying at a nearby resort.PATRICK STILL LIVES comes from Italy and is a fake sequel to the 1978 Australian film PATRICK. If you've seen that movie then you might agree that it was a well-made film but at the same time it was rather boring and didn't feature enough action to keep it moving. This Italian film on the other hand isn't all that well-made but it's so crazy, so over-the-top and silly that one can't help but love it for its exploitation gold.It should be noted that the producer, screenwriter and one of the actors would follow this film with BURIAL GROUND: NIGHTS OF TERROR. If you're familiar with that nutty zombie film then you'll be happy to know that this movie here is just as stupid and crazy. The only difference is that this film doesn't feature a creepy kid. This movie does feature wall-to-wall madness in the form of non-stop nudity. There are four beautiful ladies in the cast and all of them strip completely nude and leave nothing to the imagination. My research has shown that any sort of bad filmmaking can be resolved with beautiful Italian women in the nude.Not only do we get non-stop nudity from the beautiful actresses but there are also some crazy death scenes. When I say crazy I do mean crazy including one that has a female character being stalked by a metal pole and guess what happens when she crawls up on a table and spreads her legs? You can guess it. A more detailed effect of what we saw in CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST. Mariangela Giordano, from BURIAL GROUND, has a part here as does the beautiful Carmen Russo who is drop-dead gorgeous and the story tries to sell it that her husband isn't into her sexually. Right.PATRICK STILL LIVES isn't a classic film by any stretch of the imagination but it's pure Italian trash and comes highly recommended.
movieman_kev Patrick the comatose invalid with mind powers is back in this in-name-only sequel to the Austailian telekinesis snooze-fest "Patrick". This one starts of as boringly as the original, but thankfully the sleaze of this film's final hour has replaced the yawns of the first one. Not for the squeamish, but gore wise it's definitely no worse than the atrocious "Gunia Pig" movies, although one scene in particular is hard to stomach even for more seasoned gore-hounds. I'll put it this way, if you find yourself slumming for low-grade horror, you could do worse. But you could do a lot better as well.My Grade: C+ DVD Extras: Interview with Gabriele Crisanti; interview with Gianni Dei; Slide Gallery; Theatrical Trailer; Trailers for "Else Freuline SS", "Eaten Alive", and "Lizard in a Womans' Skin" Eye Candy: Mariangela Giordano, Carmen Russo and Anna Veneziano each bare all
HumanoidOfFlesh Mario Landi's "Patrick Still Lives" has to be one of the sleaziest exploitation sickies ever made in Italy.It's filled with incredible amount of nudity and masturbation.Gianni Dei plays Patrick,a young man who is sent into coma as the result of the random act of violence.He lies in his bed looking into space for the most part and killing people with his telekinetic powers.The script is pretty bad,but the gore is mildly shocking.Still the scene where Maria Angela Giordano has a long metal pole pushed into her vagina is a real jaw dropper...Another offensive murder scene involves a lovely black-haired Anna Veneziano killed by her own dogs:they chase her all over the grounds before biting,licking and chewing her around the genitals,eventually killing her.The masturbation scene of stunningly beautiful Andrea Belfiore is also worth mentioning.Like earlier Mario Landi's sleazefest "Giallo a Venezia"(1979),"Patrick Still Lives" is cheap,shoddy,misogynistic and gleefully disgusting.It's just a pure exploitation film,so you should enjoy it as such.Highly recommended,if you like sleaze and extreme gore.