Passenger Side
Passenger Side
| 28 October 2009 (USA)
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Two brothers spend the day driving around Los Angeles county looking for the meaning of their lives, or cheap street drugs, depending on who you happen to believe.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
SnoopyStyle It's Michael Brown (Adam Scott)'s 37th birthday. He gets a call from his brother Tobey for a ride. He gives a ride but Tobey won't tell him the reason. Michael keeps hinting at his birthday but Tobey is obviously clueless. They go on a long meandering journey through L.A. encountering sketchy characters and weird situations. Tobey comes clean that he's searching for his drug-addicted girlfriend Theresa.It's a lot of grumpy sarcastic indie banter. Adam Scott is usually good at it if he could have a comedian to bounce around the conversation. Joel Bissonnette is a perfectly good character actor but he provides no comedy. This has nothing truly funny. It's a lot of aimless complaining. It has a lot quirky without comedy. A transvestite jerking off in the car is sort of funny and Adam Scott tries his hardest. That's a small scene and it doesn't completely work anyways. It takes Michael a bit too long to challenge Tobey. This movie has lots of weird ideas but the comedy isn't there.
schnoidl Adam Scott seems to end up in a lot of LA-buddy-wannabe-art-films, that feel like a bunch of stoned writers and glad-handing insiders decide to all get together and do that script that Kevin's buddy Steve was shopping around, OMG do you know Raymond oh he'd be perfect, oh yeah i was at the opening for their new house, his girlfriend used to walk my old roommate's dog, she did makeup on that last Carrey flick, right? blah blah. Sometimes you get a great result; sometimes you get drivel like this. Every scene seems to interrupt the flow, and then after a while you realize the gratuitous interruptions that add nothing, they are in fact the body of said flow. They seemed to have been hoping for a robust picaresque, but instead got a pointless chaos where nothing really belongs. I hope that that Pilates'd-out MILF found her breakout role in the unconvincing tranny prostitute, or maybe the well-rested model who was somehow supposed to be believable as a waste case. Adam Scott is his usual charming snoot, but to what end? There is no good reason to watch this movie. On top of all this, the music selection was probably the worst I've ever heard. Not a single track was worth even saving the rough sketch of, let alone burn to actual disc.Somewhere there's a backyard BBQ of earnest young LA acting bucks, and another let's-do- this vehicle is bubbling up. I hope it won't suck like this one.
alienworlds I thought the two brothers seemed to be more like gay lovers than brothers which destroyed the credibility of this sometimes affable sometimes sickening movie. Like a greeting card from the edge of what a human can tolerate in a day, it seems to deliver the goods and then backs away and starts doing cheap tricks, literally. Best avoid this ode to nowhere on a hot afternoon, it isn't that great to watch even as an art film. Sort of shades of a film Mat Damon did a few years ago about being lost in the desert, but this film has none of that other films drama. While the taxi driver character makes some valid points during the ride, the frame of the comments is to distracting for anything he says to have any real meaning. This film is to comedy/drama what Erasorhead is to action movies.
PersianPlaya408 I picked Passenger Side as one of the 15 films i would watch during Cinequest this year as its the closest film festival to me, and they usually do a good job of picking both independent American films as well as noteworthy films of world cinema. Anyhow im glad they showed Bisonnette's "Passenger Ride". Although compared to Apatow, i think Bisonnette brings fresh comedy with a different style than Apatow. The writer/director does a good job setting up the mood using effective cinematography and a cool soundtrack. I liked the fact that they are basically driving across Los Angeles from one hot spot to another, the acting and writing linked up well as the director's brother was perfect for the role which seems to be somewhat biographical, and Adam Scott delivered one hell of a performance as the main character. The story is about Michael(Scott) giving his brother(Bisonette) rides around town to handle some things, the true reason kind of vague until later. Overall this was a film that was enjoyable, meaningful, and at times downright hilarious, hopefully it gets proper distribution.
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