Party Party
Party Party
| 01 January 1983 (USA)
Party Party Trailers

It's New Year's Eve. Larry's parents are at the vicarage dance leaving Larry in charge of the house. Big mistake, because Larry's a party animal and tonight he's going to go wild - with a little help from his friends!

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
xski I have been quoting this film for the last 19 years and it still makes me laugh today, I recognise that it is very much of its day however I do know of a 21year old who puts this on a list of his favourites too. "See this ear........plastic" the lines just go on and on. don't watch this expecting to see citizen cane, watch it for what it is, a funny silly snapshot of adolescence in the suburbs of London in the 80s. Great fun spotting the cast members Lookout for Wicksy,Billy Mitchell, Jacko and a very young Caroline Quentin. I wish i still had my MK 3 Cortina! or was I the "fast flash passenger" i love it
joeE17 OK, so it isn't an obvious choice for a Saturday night in front of the the TV, but as a snap-shot of early 80's Britain it's worth it's weight in gold. My summary title refers to the fact that so many of it's stars never mention it when asked about their early careers. Look at some of the actors who made their big screen debut's here; Daniel Peacock, Karl Howman, Perry Fenwick, Sean Chapman, the late Gary Olsen, Clive Mantle, Caroline Quentin even Nick Berry. I also remember Elvis Costello saying that his theme song, Party Party, was the worst song he'd ever made.Anyone who went to parties around this time will find something they can identify with. And if there's a film with a better soundtrack, I'll wear Larry's yellow tank-top for a night out.I laughed, Mrs. Dorkin laughed..........aaah, I feel young again.
craig.tuohy If you were an English teenager during the 80's then you MUST see this film. To everybody else it will just be an odd curiosity. For me, it is the funniest film in existence and is one of the only films to have more quotable lines than Apocalypse now.
taiaha A sort of British prequel to "Animal House", except that British teenagers relationship with alcohol seems to be more serious than their US counterparts. Almost a series of vignettes featuring early performances from a number of British actors now very familiar on UK TV screens. Some hilarious moments (...the young policemen promising their sergeant that they will "get p***ed in a responsible fashion"), but much of the humour will be lost on crossing the Atlantic. Best viewed with a plentiful supply of beer and peanuts.