Papadopoulos & Sons
Papadopoulos & Sons
| 20 December 2012 (USA)
Papadopoulos & Sons Trailers

Following his ruin in the latest banking crisis, a self-made millionaire reluctantly re-unites with his estranged freewheeling brother to re-open the abandoned fish and chip shop they shared in their youth.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
johnnysaunderson This film is a classic case of a director at work who does not know how to direct. Dialogue awful. Acting poor. Plot ridiculous. A comedy requires humour and timing, both of which were sorely lacking. Too many scenes were simply too long. The plot line was absurd with reputable actors struggling to deliver awful dialogue, failing to make it convincing. A complete waste of almost two hours of my life. I can only advise: do not consider for a moment that this awful excuse for entertainment is worth watching... it is not!
Jesse Boland Very slow to start, but once they get the ball rolling this movie hits all of the family bonding marks that you would want, and expect from a movie like this one. Very sweet family moments as the younger Papadopoulos' are first introduced to their father's older brother who opens their hearts, and minds up, and gets them ready to live in the world as part of it instead of just observers. There are no overwhelming surprises, and for the most part you just watch what you would expect from a TV movie of the week. However this is an Enjoyable movie and you will feel uplifted even when you don't expect to so it is doing it's job, and that makes it worth watching.
lauriejaques This is a really sweet-hearted film where Stephen Dillane delivers a touching performance of a man who loses everything and has to learn to find happiness in what he has left.It is a gentle Greek-rooted comedy that you don't have to be Greek to enjoy, but will almost make you want to be! We saw it in a packed house cinema and there was a round of applause at the end, while everyone walked out smiling and talking about what they had just seen. It is funny without being over the top, sad without being melodramatic, and the family dynamic of the actors is one of the most believable ensembles I've ever seen.The classification of 15 is absolutely bizarre - there are 3 uses of coarse language. Absolutely no violence, nudity, or graphic extreme depictions of any kind. So a 12A film can show people all of that, yet this gentle, touching story with none of those things and instead has three f-bombs is given a higher rating - I have no idea how to explain this.
brucehakutizwi What a funny warm hearted film. I laughed, shed a tear and was thoroughly entertained. I can't wait for Papadopoulos & Sons release. I watch a lot of blockbusters and rarely indie films, this was a lovely surprise to see such a well made and enjoyable indie movie. Stephen Dillane is absolutely wonderful and surprisingly very funny. I have the pleasure of working with Marcus everyday and I was lucky enough to read the script before production and watch the making of Papadopoulos & Sons from start to finish. I remember reading the script on my way to work in the train and found myself overwhelmed with emotion and I completely forgot where I was. Some parts I was laughing so loud until I noticed stares from fellow commuters as well as having tears rolling down my cheeks and thinking to myself get a hold of yourself man, you are in public. From script to screen, there was no disappointment, it was as I had imagined it in my head as I read the script in train.Papadopoulos & Sons am must see film.