| 07 December 1982 (USA)
Panic Trailers

A scientist's experiment with a deadly bacteria goes awry and leaves him horribly deformed. The monstrous man then runs amok in his town.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Dalbert Pringle You can be sure that the panic in "Panic" was positively pathetic.Yep. Any sort of panic generated in this z-grade, Sci-Fi, "experiment-gone-wrong" picture was strictly bottom-of-the-barrel stuff and that rendered Panic simply worthless as viable entertainment.Any intended urgency or relevance in regards to the viral infection (which afflicted Prof. Adams and sent him on a murderous, flesh-eating frenzy) was truly laughable beyond words.I thought that it was totally hilarious when one minute the hideously mutated Prof. Adams was stalking victims in the very heart of the city and the next moment he was up to no good way out in the tranquil suburbs.I honestly don't think that a horror movie could possibly get much worse than this piece of garbage. Not only that, but this hunk of junk (which was an Italian production) contained the absolute worst dialogue dubbing imaginable.Unfortunately, the unintentional laughs in Panic were just too few and far between.Enough said.
Bezenby Tonino Ricci strikes again! If I described Tonino as 'a poor man's Bruno Mattei' you'd know what I mean, right? And that certainly says something about Tonino Ricci (although I will add that Tonino doesn't steal footage from other films as far as I know). I've already watched Tonino's all-over-the-place-but-great 'Night of the Sharks', and his brain damaging action flick 'Days of Hell' (which is worth a look) and clawed my eyes out while waiting for something to happen in 'Encounters in the Deep'. Here, Tonino takes on the horror genre, throws in a mutated scientist and a mutated guinea pig, sets the film in England but films most of it in Spain. David Warbreck is an MI5 agent and Janet Agren is a buddy of the scientist now growling his way around England, and they're out to stop the guy before the government nuke the town where he's on the loose. Our mutated scientist turns periodically to tear people to pieces, well, at least that's what the cops tell us as we don't see much apart from some bloodied bodies. The (suspiciously Spanish looking) army turn up to lock down the town and the residents aren't happy. Can chain-smoking Warbreck and his nifty coat, and Agren and her nifty afro sort all this nonsense out? What do you think?Tonino Ricci films are a bit of a hard slog, and although parts of Panic are good (the mutated scientist was pretty groovy), other parts just drag and drag. I thought the film was almost over and then I realised it still had an hour to go. The shots of the obviously in a hangar but supposed to be flying army plane were hilarious, as was the usual sudden ending, but, as we're talking Tonino here, everything is filmed rather flat. It's okay if you're running out of Italian films to watch. I nearly forgot - the inter-cutting of English town footage with the army driving through a town in Spain was pretty funny too.
vegeta3986 I'm just going to get this out of the way first. Yes, the main hero in this movie's name is Kirk, and he's a captain in the army. So yes. they refer to him throughout the picture as "Captain Kirk". Now, to me, that's HILARIOUS. i had to rewind the movie just to make sure i wasn't hearing things. And there was even an officer named "O'Brien" later on in the movie. I'm shocked that the monster's name wasn't "Riker". But enough of the good stuff, let's dive into "Panic".This movie is another on our awesome 50 chilling classics collection at number 26. Now i took a two week break at the halfway mark, and coming back, i'm not so sure WHY i came back. OK, if you looked at the top, i gave this movie a 2. So what's the big problem with this movie you may ask? One word. PACING. This movie's pacing is TERRIBLE. this 90 minute movie has a plot that could either have been resolved in 15 minutes but it also had the plot to stage an entire 90 minute movie if they did it correctly. Sadly, here, they did not. It's really sad when i understand more of the movie from reading the one paragraph DVD sleeve in my Box set, but that seems to be happening more and more with these movies. And this movie is no exception. on the DVD sleeve it says "A British research scientist is working with various forms of bacteria when he is accidentally exposed to a deadly variety due to a lab accident." OK. there are 3 problems with that sentence. 1. This movie is Italian, not British. But all the actors are dubbed British so they put in stock pictures of England. Why? I'm not sure. 2. No, i did not accidentally type "Variety" instead of "Virus" That is what actually was printed on my DVD sleeve. and 3. IT NEVER SHOWS YOU THAT IN THE MOVIE. in the film it starts out with some rats fighting in a lab, a guy grabs his face and that's it. i had NO idea what happened. and honestly, i STILL have no idea what happened.Like i said though. This movie is S-L-O-W. it takes forever to make any point and while the movie has a relatively high body count, all kills are offscreen and in the dark. and they quickly cut away from any sort of interesting nudity. pff. this considers itself a monster mash film? There's at least 3 times in the movie where they could have stopped this monster dude but then...they didn't for some reason? and that just gives them an excuse to have lengthy scenes of them talking. um. yay? I really had to pull out the DS during this movie. it was more than i could do to pay HALF attention to it let alone ALL my attention. But i gave it a good go. i gave it 45 minutes of my undivided attention and there was so little going on i realized that i could do at least 2 more things at once and still know exactly what was going on. and you know what? i was right.The ending is extremely abrupt with no time for an epilogue and the final scene just makes NO sense. i'm not going to give the ending away but i will say 5 words. "Fire extinguisher? What the crap?" With pacing that could bore Ben Stein, characters that are less enjoyable then a Disney channel sitcom line-up, and an ending more predictable than the ending to "The Village", Panic gets 2 melty faces, out of 10
Coventry This is only the second film from Tonino Ricci I've watched, but I can already safely say he's one of Italy's worst horror/exploitation directors! With the other turkey being "Thor The Conqueror", this sad excuse for a movie called "Panic" is probably all I'll ever watch from him. For the gorehounds among us, this movie features a handful of gross murder sequences and utterly cheesy make-up effects, but it lacks literally everything else like structure, tension or understandable dialogues. Here we have yet another over-ambitious scientist that falls victim to his own stupid research and mutates into a hideous and bloodthirsty monster. It's his own damn fault! Who the hell, in his right state of mind, experiments with bacteria and lethal viruses anyway? The smooth & womanizing security officer Captain Kirk (Captain Kirk???) starts a search for the monster on the loose, while the army forces consider it to be better to exterminate the whole city and its entire population at once. It's a really lame and boring horror effort with an occasional gory killing. However, DO find the courage to remain watching until the very last minutes, as we only get to see the monster's face at that point. It'll be worth it, since the bloke looks like rotting pepperoni-pizza.