Night After Night After Night
Night After Night After Night
| 01 January 1969 (USA)
Night After Night After Night Trailers

There's a killer on the loose in London, and whilst our typically craggy copper DI Rowan investigates, Judge Lomax is busy in court, dishing out harsh sentences to everyone who comes before him.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
bluesyxx The First time my friends and In watched He Kills Night After Night we had no idea what was going on. There is a bit of a mystery involved as to the true identity he who kills night after night. Every time we watched it after we knew exactly what was going on, and the movie just got better and better. I have to admit that i love this movie. It has some of the best dialog, and one liners. When we watch it now, we just giggle at it. The best part about the whole thing is when the plot elements finally come together it goes so far over the top that your jaw just drops. It tries to be a morality tale against the loose sexual climate of swinging seventies London. So give it credit for at least trying to have an ultimate point. That might just be an excuse to have a slasher movie, like any reaction will do to justify a good horror/mystery movie. The bad guys always feels justified in his motives, no matter how far out they may be. So that being said, I would recommend this movie to anyone. not everyone might understand it at first, but if you watch it a few times, it gets better and better.
rose-294 British Night after night after night (1969), written by Dail Ambler and directed by Lewis J. Force (Lindsay Shonteff), is sometimes erroneously called as Jack Ripper film. This is not the case: Night after night after night is set in 1960's London and features misogynist serial killer whose main (albeit not only) targets just happen to be prostitutes. In 1960's and 1970's it was fashionable to preach against the evils of older generations, while the sleaze and slime of younger one was either celebrated or denied: thus, it may not be just coincidence, who is the killer in Night after night after night. The film has three sleazy suspects: young man whore, porn-obsessed misogynist and quite pitiful middle-aged judge. Guess who is the killer? So trashily made it is actually quite fun to mock, although Jack May's judge, albeit hardly likable, evoked sort of pity in me.
lazarillo This movie is not nearly as good as Jorge Grau's very similar "Pena del Muerte", but it is in English (or in British anyway). It is surprisingly sleazy for a British film of that time period with a generous amount of depravity on display. A modern-day Jack the Ripper is stalking the mini-skirted young lasses of Swinging London. A hedonistic youth who is (quite unaccountably) a metaphoric ladykiller is suspected of being the real one by the lead detective on the case. Not surprisingly though, the real killer is someone much more entrenched in the establishment, which the detective hero only discovers after his pretty young wife has become a potential victim.This movie is similar to the seemingly reactionary but actually very subversive and anti-authoritarian movies Pete Walker would be making five years later ("House of the Whipcord", "The Confessional"). But unfortunately it is pretty ham-handedly executed and just not very good. It does offer a view of Swinging London at the time that it was all actually happening, but it is a rather myopic view and is seen more from the perspective of the moralistic detective and dirty old rotter magistrate than from the hip youth of the the era (the only real nude scene for instance is a skanky stripper doffing it all for some gaping oldsters in a seedy nightclub). It is very sleazy, if you consider that a plus. And even though the identity of the killer is pretty apparent, the ending is memorable. It's not as hypocritical at least as many British films of the era that railed against jaded youth while missing no opportunity to look up their mini-skirts or inside their blouses. Worth a look anyway.
EyeAskance A rash of brutal slayings leads Scotland Yard investigators to a pompous mod hipster, but the true culprit may be a lot closer to home than anyone realizes. This glowering little slasher genre prototype is a leering and perverse cocktail of sexual depravity, and may be of more than just passing interest to fans of both gialli and lurid trash cinema. Briskly paced compared to many contemporaneous British thrillers, this one surprises with steady direction, credible performances, and occasional off-kilter camera-work which enhances the delirium of the grisly goings-on. One standout flaw is the film's weak conclusion...though not unsatisfactory, it's a tad anti-climatic and hurried. Pardonable inconsistencies aside, a very worthwhile watch. 6.5/10