Pandora's Promise
Pandora's Promise
NR | 12 June 2013 (USA)
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The atomic bomb, the specter of a global nuclear holocaust, and disasters like Fukushima have made nuclear energy synonymous with the darkest nightmares of the modern world. But what if everyone has nuclear power wrong? What if people knew that there are reactors that are self-sustaining and fully controllable and ones that require no waste disposal? What if nuclear power is the only energy source that has the ability to stop climate change?

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
roflmaqrux The purpose of this movie is to, if not change your mind, at least make you question your opinion about nuclear power. It is some of the rare documentaries that actually succeed to keep you pinned the entire way through, and make you feel like you realized something no one else has noticed before. It is an incredibly powerful and moving documentary that shows the direct flaws with today's power and gently pushes arguments that are for nuclear power, through credible, documented, and completely valid sources. A definite eight points from here, this documentary succeeds in every way possible with its message and makes you involved at the same time. A must watch for anyone interested in global warming, or anyone who is open to new ideas and viewpoints from a business that has a taboo around it. And as it is available on Netflix, I see no point in not at least giving it a try.
Urs Bolt The documentary film Pandora's Promise is addressing some of the most important questions humankind faces these days. The documentary fosters a healthy debate about these issues. Director Robert Stone achieved a landmark documentary bringing together an impressive wealth of facts, myths and contradicting world views. Most convincing are the five protagonists which bravely changed their believes from being fiercely anti-nuclear to a realistic pro-nuclear stance. Independent whether you are anti- or pro-nuclear energy everyone who is seriously interested in solving the poverty, energy and environmental crisis should watch Pandora's Promise.
AfroGeek I am no nuclear expert, but I've had plenty of debates about nuclear power based on what I could glean from websites, typical news coverage, and the few documentaries I've watched. I've heard opposing laymen make rather poor and often hyperbolic arguments for nuclear power with little effect; largely from the lack of hard information. These arguments never struck me as more than regurgitations of industry talking points.Something about this documentary coming from the perspective of people who are environmentalists softens the message. There's no excoriating attack on those who would dare oppose the "obvious logic" of nuclear power. There's no absence of raw data. There's no ideological slant or demagoguing of the environmental movement. It's simply a documentary presented in the perspective of people who changed their minds.One of the most powerful images in this documentary is the repeated use of the Geiger counter (or whatever measures milliSieverts) at different locations on Earth, including sights of recent disasters. We see that the hype over nuclear disasters is exactly that. A beach in South America has a natural radiation level far higher than that in Chernobyl as well as that in Fukushima.I gave this documentary a 10 because it completely flipped my opinion on nuclear power. I just watched this and I am in a state of shock from what I saw. How our international culture reached the point that nuclear power has had such an undeserved bad rap is beyond me. If public opinion changes, we're talking about doing away with fracking, expensive solar panels and fields of wind turbines.I do reserve my final judgment somewhat until I've heard other contrarians make academic counterarguments to this documentary, but the snippets I've heard don't sound like they'll change my mind. If you're of the same opinion as I had, please watch this and let me know if the arguments made are flawed and present them here. As it stands, I'm convinced.
cliffa25 This film is unfortunately very poorly edited and organized. I was really open to the basic idea this film wanted to convey but have come away not anymore convinced to be for or against nuclear power. That is because this is just not a very good film. The experts were not very compelling. They are smart, articulate, and probably nice. But, the story of their journey from being against to being for nuclear power really was fell flat. Perhaps that is the fault of the editing or perhaps they are not very compelling people. On the plus side the production values are very good. It is a pretty film to look at. I didn't like the overly dramatic shots of the experts (not speaking) looking into the camera or staring off into the distant future (or something like that). I never felt very connected to the experts as people. The music was very ominous in tone. The overall production made me feel that something very bad is waiting for us in the future. If the filmmakers want to motivate people to action in support of nuclear power - an ominous tone is probably not the best strategy.