Painted Skin: The Resurrection
Painted Skin: The Resurrection
| 28 June 2012 (USA)
Painted Skin: The Resurrection Trailers

According to demon lore, it takes hundreds of years to attain human form. Even then, lacking a human heart, a demon cannot experience the true pains and passions of existence. However, there is a legend that if a pure human heart is freely offered to a demon, it can become a mortal and experience true life. Sequel of Painted Skin (2008).

Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
dr_john_pollard I could not pretend to summarize or understand it's many meanings. The story is consistent but tricky to follow imho. The topic of demons is quite strong and interwoven throughout the plot. If you liked Total Recall you could suspend your rational mind enough to enjoy the acting, story, visuals. It's not heavy on the fighting and it's a spectacle all on it's own. The story starts immediately so pay attention right from the start. I didn't care for the logo double treatment deal. There's a high number of these creative kung fu action films that go beyond Hollywood is so many ways. It's inspiring but I'm guessing not many people see them. I watch them because they are so different yet amazing.
trashgang I came across this flick because it was sold new on 3D for only 5 Euro's and not having any problems with Asian flicks and liking the story I was eager to watch it. I'm glad I did because I liked it.I knew from before that this was going to be a pure Chinese flick, in which I mean acting, story and score. That said that means that a lot of fantasy geeks will leave this for what it is because they can't catch up with the Chinese/Asian feeling.The CGI used was also a problem for many but again I didn't had any trouble with it. I agree that some CGI really looked cheap but it fits perfectly in this slow moving love story. But the fight scene's make it watchable and the erotic feeling between the princess and the demon in the bath also makes it watchable. There's no nudity to spot but the scene does give it an lesbian, erotic touch. Not only that, the acting also is sublime what makes this more watchable. But at the end, if you can't understand Asian horror or fantasy then leave this for what it is but if you are open minded for some melodrama then this is your stuff, no go eat those azaleas...Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 4/5 Story 3,5/5 Comedy 0/5
ronchow Life has been good but at times it gets to be mundane, and boring. So I need to escape from reality and get lost in another world. Many films, such as 'Pan's Labyrinth' and 'Kwaidan', offer me a channel to another world for a couple of hours. 'Painted Skin II' does an equally good job in this regard with its dose of fox demons (the good kind), a princess and warriors.I watched the film on a BluRay disc. The colour, the imagery, the landscape, the costumes, the feminine sexuality - all visually stunning and often poetic. There are also two love stories in there too, and these are no conventional love stories - they are the very complicated kind. The action sequences, often done in slow-mo, are satisfying. Acting is great, especially by the two leading ladies. This film offers all I need from a fantasy story.It appears that not many in the North America are aware of this film or have seen it. That is indeed a pity. I hope director Wuershan will move on to do Painted Skin III. Something I very much would look forward to.
Josh Anderson This movie had me teetering on wanting to say it was excellent in the vein of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon/Hero or feeling like it wasn't quite up to par. Visually many of the scene were art in motion (a la Hero), but then they have shoddy computer animation (the bear that attacks the Princess and the bird played by Mini Yang). As for a love story it is one of those long suffering epics that sort of grabs and tears your heart. The Princess has a lifetime never ending love for the Warrior and would do anything for him, even "sell her soul to the devil". The Warrior, because of his honorable service to her denies his own love for her. When demons get involved everything is twisted and complicated. My buddy & I gave it a "thumbs up" after watching it.