Pain & Gain
Pain & Gain
R | 26 April 2013 (USA)
Pain & Gain Trailers

Daniel Lugo, manager of the Sun Gym in 1990s Miami, decides that there is only one way to achieve his version of the American dream: extortion. To achieve his goal, he recruits musclemen Paul and Adrian as accomplices. After several failed attempts, they abduct rich businessman Victor Kershaw and convince him to sign over all his assets to them. But when Kershaw makes it out alive, authorities are reluctant to believe his story.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
adonis98-743-186503 A trio of bodybuilders in Florida get caught up in an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme that goes terribly wrong. Pain & Gain has ridiculous humor, over the top characters and some weird acting from it's main leads and it all has to go down with Michael Bay's usual direction that works in action movies most of the time but not in a real life events flick. The only person who seems to even try a little is Ed Harris i mean they made The Rock an over the top addicted junky and Mark Wahlberg was an annoying over the top buff that was screaming for 2hrs and Detective Monk? was a Racist jerk that's the kind of film that Pain & Gain is. (2/10)
mrbassman777 This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I find it incredulous to believe that human beings could actually be as stupid as they are portrayed to be in this film. By the time I had watched three-fourths of the movie, I wanted bad things to happen to the three protagonists, as they would deserve whatever came their way for being utter morons. The film is filled with crude humor and vulgar language, that just comes off as being in poor taste. This movie is a monument to the glorification of crime and getting what you want without earning it. I would not recommend this film, it is unwatchable.
Floated2 The reason this movie is entertaining from beginning to end is because everything you see, no matter how gritty or horrible or played for obvious or broad effect, is undeniably interesting. The dichotomy of Lugo's character alone is so strange that you can't look away. He has to be so smart to implement a plan with this many moving parts and dangerous in the pursuit of wealth, and yet so lazy and entitled to steal that wealth rather than earn it.Starring Mark Walhberg, Dwayne Johnson, and Anthony Mackie, Pain & Gain is far from art-house material, but if you go into a Michael Bay film seriously expecting a Coen brothers film. It's wild and engrossing and, it bears repeating, completely true. Based on a true story and Bay ensures to remind the viewers and several point in the film that it is indeed based on a true story.
phd_travel This comic caper movie is based on a true story of some Miami criminals who kidnap a rich man and steal his money then murder another couple. It's a stranger than fiction story that is fascinating to watch. Here's the main problem. Any reasonable viewer would after a while realize that the criminal/heroes of this movie are doing some pretty dreadful things to the victims. Making them bumbling comical people may be funny on screen but trivializes what they did. I'm sure the victims and families of the victims must be appalled.It's unusual to see the main actors take on the role of villains because they usually are the heroes. Mark Wahlberg looks very short and stocky when he's overbuilt. The Rock acts quite funny as usual. Anthony Mackie looks relatively puny. Director Michael Bay shows a bit more style and humor than usual in the way the dialog and events unfold.