Over-sexed Rugsuckers from Mars
Over-sexed Rugsuckers from Mars
| 01 January 1989 (USA)
Over-sexed Rugsuckers from Mars Trailers

Aliens return to earth after 10 million years to see what has become of the human experiment they have created only to be disappointed by what they find. After landing they come upon Vernon a homeless bum and decide that earthlings are untidy and figure crossing a vacuum and a human will elimate the problem as well as create a better race of beings. The experiment however goes awry after one of the aliens pee in Vernon's bottle of gin which makes him insanely in love with the vacuum Dusty which was brought to life by the aliens. Things get a tad bit crazy from here as Dusty tries to reproduce and Vernon tries hard to find Dusty.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
clover-cat What can be said that has not been said already -certainly one of the most interesting titles for a film but some of the comments on this site make it look as if this is an undiscovered gem of a movie when in fact it is not. There will be a great deal of puzzlement in trying to get guests to even view the film after reading the title. For cult viewing I would recommend almost any other low budget SF / Horror movie. However if is is available in a bargain bin somewhere then give it a go but don't hold your breath for the BLUE RAY of HD-DVD version. There is a sense of pride in finding a strange little movie and being a champion of that movie but this movie does not deserve such high praise. Terrible acclamation sucks the rug out from under this film before it gets started. Finally a lot of urban myths and hospital rumours surround people who fall in love with domestic appliance (or at least try to). Best avoided.
ce_ke11 Back in the early 90's, me and the lads went to the local video store and found we had seen everything decent, so we went for something completely off the wall and chose "Oversexed rug suckers from mars".Wow! what an experience. We all sat there in silence until the end of the film, just glued to the screen by the movie magic before us. Never before has any director squeezed such an amazing performance from household appliances. The film drifted slightly in the middle but on the whole it was fantastic! I don't want to say too much as this will impair your first time experience, just watch it for yourselves (if you can find it!).
Briana This was probably one of the best films I have ever seen. From the hilariously cheesy beginning to the poignant, heart-rending end, this is a film that will truly stay with you. Dusty, a relative unknown, delivered a stellar performance as the lead character. As the film opened I was dubious, but as soon as Dusty and Vernon came on the scene I was riveted. There's much more to this film than simply camp. The moving and tragic tale of Dusty's journey interweaves seamlessly with a full cast of well-rounded characters. This isn't simply a movie about a vacuum cleaner. It is a movie about people. It is a movie about the strength of true love, and having the courage to follow your heart. Complete with murder, mayhem, sex, love, tragedy, and a spectacular twist to the main romance, Oversexed Rugsuckers delivers a truly beautiful motion picture experience.
B-MovieDork This movie is a really funny, original shot-on-video film. If you can make it to then end of the movie, watch for the woman giving birth to a dustbuster with the head of a cabbage patch kid doll. Very silly film, definately not to be taken seriously. Funny kitschy soundtrack and effects. Think California Raisins meets The Bloody Video Horror That Made Me Puke On My Aunt Gertrude....
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