SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Better Late Then Never
This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
This movie came out a few months after Korea's "The Tower", which also involves a high rise fire, and the fire department coming to the rescue, however, that movie was big budget, had top billed actors, and top of the line effects. Both movies use CG fire, but "The Tower" used real fire too, for in "Out of Inferno", it's all computer generated, something out of a Sci-fi Original movie, it looks tacky and fake, very unconvincing and cheap. The building itself looks like a generic office building, not the larger than life Tower Sky from the Korean movie, you were convince it was a real twin tower, although it was computer generated, for "Out of Inferno" it seems they selected a ordinary building in Hong Kong or Guangzhou, not nearly as impressive or awe inspiring. On a lighter note, at least the acting is good, everyone delivers good lines and performances, so you wanted them to survive, this movie also takes influence from "Backdraft", with two estranged brother firemen, that lost their father to a fire, told in flashback, it would have been better if this was the intro. Overall, it's better to watch "The Tower", it's intense and over the top, it has great effects and good performances, but if you want a less intense firefighting movie from Asia, "Out of Inferno" is a standard action movie.
The acting is fairly good, and overall it's a fairly well-done piece of work but some scenes just drag on forever that takes out the excitement that could have been.With too much oversentimental music and some scenes that simply should have been cut down or cut out entirely and others that should never have been in slow-motion.Most of the fires are visibly CGI'd but they still look pretty neat so I didn't mind too much.Would have worked if it was a fast-paced 85 minute movie, but at the length it is 107 it simply gets too boring at times to truly recommend.I mean I wouldn't advice you not to watch it on TV or anything, it does have a couple really well orchestrated action-scenes after all and it's a decent enough script, albeit simple and typical.
At first I thought I would not love this movie. I thought I might be just wasting my time. Since I had no choice but to watch this, so i gave it a try. at the start i was kinda interested. the job of firemen is not that easy and how they suffered and put in danger their lives to save people. This is a kind of movie that deserves to be watched. Really. Almost all genre are there.. There's suspense, thriller, drama and even comedy. Acting was good and so the production is believable. really. go watch this movie and enjoy as i did. ignore those negative comments about this movie because i watched it and i liked it, i recommended it to a friend and he liked it as well...
First off, i was attracted by the A list actors who has always given their best in acting and a good selection of their scripts but boy was i wrong. This movie is yet another colonization of good movies by China! It seems that it is inevitable as A list actors choose money over art! First it was Andy Lau who takes up any and everything he can get from China, then it was Stephan Chow and now Louise Khoo, what a disgrace to the movie industry.I'm sorry if readers feel this is a hate comment but i speak the truth. China movie industry has not improve a dart bit through out the years. If China wants to improve on their artistic culture perhaps they should first liberalized the industry and improve their moral decay. Shame on these HK actors with so much experience and talent fallen prey to greed!!! HK pls choose your partners wisely!