Our Mother's Murder
Our Mother's Murder
| 16 July 1997 (USA)
Our Mother's Murder Trailers

Fact-based true crime story about the murder of publishing heiress Anne Scripps Douglas who, in 1989, married a young hunk who eventually killed her.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Quirkystarburns I was doing research on famous domestic abuse cases and came across this movie. Aside from being slightly dramatized in true Hollywood fashion I thought it did a great job portraying the abuse from several points of view. It was honest and candid in a way that most abuse movies aren't. Anne's sense of inability to leave her abusive relationship was depicted quite well, and her daughter's sense of futility to help her was heartbreaking and very well done. The situation was portrayed very realistically and I was rather amazed at the way the actors were able to truly tap into those intense emotions. Holly Marie Combs in particular was just spectacular.This movie was great. It's definitely up in the caliber of "The Burning Bed."
Acemickey2002 This movie really touched my heart. I know so many women who have been abused and they believe men change, and they don't. This is one of those situations that will never go away and women need to realize that. I cried almost all the way through the movie cause it was just sad the way Scott treated her. I think if I were Anne's daughter, I would have killed him. Because deep inside, little by little, he was killing her before he actually did. Women, if you are being abused, please, watch this movie and learn, or you too, will wind up dead.
Nancy-40 this movie was wonderful, i don't know if it was based on a true story but it could have been, this woman falls in love with a younger man and he turns out to be abusive and he finds ways to make it so he will always be in this womans life and he torments her. Holly Marie Combs plays an excellent role as the daughter who stands up for her mother to this man. It ends very sad though.
yenlo This movie recently aired on The Lifetime Channel. An attractive woman has a married life full of everything(or nearly everything) one would think a woman would want. She divorces her husband and father of her two daughters meets and marries Jerk First Class. One thing leads to another and Mr.Wonderful eventually murders her. I started watching this film and didn't expect to stay with it for more than a few minutes but kept watching it until the end. I came away with the same feeling as with The Stepfather films and 1984's First Born which starred Teri Garr. Where do women find these guys and why do they fall for them? Unlike The Stepfather trilogy and First Born this film was based on a true story which makes it all the more sadder. The acting is actually quite good. The story doesn't drag and keeps the viewer interested even though the outcome because of the title i.e. "Our Mothers Murder" is certain. Somehow however it becomes hard to have sympathy for the main character i.e. Ann Scripps Douglas because of her decision to get involved with this guy who begins using her for a punching bag not long after they wed. The film makes reference to the strong bond between the mother and her two adult daughters. Although one doesn't seem to learn anything from her mothers experience as she snags a boyfriend who pummels her a few times. The movie is worth watching whether you feel sympathy for the abused wife and her two daughters or not.
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