Other People
Other People
NR | 09 September 2016 (USA)
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David, a struggling comedy writer fresh off from breaking up with his boyfriend, moves from New York City to Sacramento to help his sick mother. Living with his conservative father and much-younger sisters for the first time in ten years, he feels like a stranger in his childhood home. As his mother’s health declines, David frantically tries to extract meaning from this horrible experience and convince everyone (including himself) that he's "doing okay.”

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
framptonhollis Unfortunately, this wonderful movie is severely underrated and underseen for whatever reason. If more people were aware of this movie's actual existence I am certain it would be receiving much more attention and praise, because it really is a damn good movie. There are lots of problems with it, but as a whole it's really great. For the most part, the script is extremely witty and well done, and all of the tragic elements blend with the comic quite well-although one could easily argue that this films mixture of emotions is as much of a curse as it is a blessing. I will admit that it caught me a little off guard when a drastic tonal shift would occur, however the movie definitely never feels ridiculous and convoluted tonally. For the most part, everything remains quite consistent-its all very sad, but also hopeful and hilarious. All of the performances are quite good, especially Molly Shannon whose mostly known for her comedic roles but gives a solid dramatic performance in this film as the main character's mother, who is dying of cancer. While also remaining funny and heartfelt, this movie brings up topics and themes of life, loss, love, death, sexuality, and family relationships in an extraordinarily powerful and realistic way. Although it is slow at times and not all of the jokes work, its an overall lovely, emotional, and funny little movie. Check it out!
Turfseer Kimberly Jones of The Austin Chronicle explains the title of Chris Kelly's new dramedy: "For the lucky ones, untouched by tragedy, bad things are what happen to other people." Kelly's protagonist, David Mulcahey (Jesse Plemons) is a failing New York based gay comedy writer who returns to his Sacramento suburban home to take care of his mother Joanne (Molly Shannon), dying of a rare cancer. As Jones informs, David's "other people" now "become his people."Kelly realizes that an unrelenting story about a cancer victim and how it affects friends and family might become a little too heavy-handed for his audience to tolerate for the duration of an entire feature film, so he injects a modicum of humor to balance things out. Unfortunately not all of the humor hits the mark—Erin Whitney of Screen Crush asks us to consider the opening scene where David and the rest of his family-- including his distant, gay-aversive father and younger sisters--are lying in bed, crying for their dying mother: "A friend who has just learned of Joanne's cancer leaves a heedless voicemail, wishing the now-dead Joanne good health while arguing with a Taco Bell employee in a drive-thru." For Whitney, "this is the type of hollow humor that underlines much of Other People, a would-be dramedy that's too removed and too safe to leave a lasting impression."Whitney echoes the main criticism of Other People by those critics unimpressed by Kelly's protagonist, modeled on his own experiences: "it's much more about its lead character wallowing in self-pity. David expresses so much contempt for those around him; Sacramento folk, his family, every guy on OKCupid, and a hometown acquaintance with writing aspirations, but much of his sorrow lacks real passion." A.A. Dowd of A.V. Club wisely argues that the focus on David's self-pity leads to the lack of development of other characters: "But the bigger problem may be David himself, who's a bit exhausting in his self-pity...'I'll have no mom, no dad, no boyfriend, no job,' David whines early on—and if Other People is willing to occasionally acknowledge his selfishness, it also adopts his tunnel vision so completely that few other characters (including David's younger sisters, one of them played by an Apatow daughter) ever gain much dimension."Justin Chang notices the inconsistency in some of the characters: " It's the sort of movie that treats David's grandparents (June Squibb, Paul Dooley) as senile comic targets one minute and spouters of sentimental wisdom the next."But Keith Watson in Slant Magazine argues that Other People is at its sharpest when David's family and friends step on the stage: "While these characters exist primarily to teach David various lessons (be more confident, put yourself out there, reconnect with your family), Kelly provides his actors with enough space to make an impact. J.J. Totah, for example, steals every scene he's in as a flamboyantly gay tween who at one point performs a wildly inappropriate drag show to politely perplexed silence."Most of the critics agreed that it was Molly Shannon's performance as David's afflicted mother that gives the film its gravitas. Watson in Slant points out: "Shannon's performance locks into the film's most fully realized theme: that even the grueling misery of dying cannot rob you of a sense of humor if you don't allow it to." And Chang in Variety seconds Watson's comments: "Even with her face pale and gaunt, and her head shaved, the character possesses a luminosity that seems to glow all the more brightly as her condition worsens, as if in defiance of the cancer's steady onslaught."A.A. Dowd argues that Other People has great value in its frank treatment of the effect on people who must deal with an afflicted cancer victim: "it's at its best when getting into the nitty-gritty of coping with the disease—from an uncomfortably frank discussion of burial arrangements to the family serving as interpreter for a fading Joanne, repeating everything she croaks out in a hoarse whisper to those outside their immediate circle."Perhaps the most revelatory scene in Other People is David's supermarket melt-down. Everything that's been bothering him including his father's rejection of his sexuality, his recent break-up with his gay lover, rejection of his script by TV network professionals and especially his mother's sad decline, adds to the inevitable moment when he breaks down and blurts out he's a "good person." The sub-text to that statement of course is "why am I a victim?" as well as "why am I not successful?" There is something very self-pitying about David and he evinces a clear lack of insight into his situation. Indeed he's a "good person" in the way he takes care of his dying mother. But his desire for success is forced—not only does he try too hard but he's too focused on himself. Hence, David ends up the least interesting character in Kelly's narrative, not only for his self-pity but his narcissism as well.As some critics have argued, Other People's main character is in effect too much of a sad sack to interest us. If there's any redemption, it's in the portraits of some of the supporting players, especially Molly Shannon as a cancer victim who brings both mirth and a quiet dignity to a most difficult role.
Rob Killian Rarely am I surprised by a film. Even less rare am I left speechless. It has already all been done and said, right? Turns out the answer to that question is no. This incredibly brilliant and quiet film reintroduces family and humanness to a world that desperately needs to see the transformative power that tragedy and suffering can bring to a family and community. Molly Shannon is a revelation. She is purely breath-taking in her nuanced and authentic performance. The family that surrounds her in this film is brilliantly cast and subtly and not so subtly used to portray emotion and experience and raw realness. I cannot wait to see this film again and to share it with everyone I care about.
C S It's OK as a drama, but really. I think most all the reviewers are fan boys now these days or peeps paid to write a good review just to get us to watch what ever.Everything this movie has has been done over many a time in other movies. Though not so subtle, and yet blatant with a slap of humour as other similar movies. The real side of life or dying is independence.Not to be confined by who thinks best for you. Nor give in to what you do or say may be judged.With too many DC and Marvel Comic movies about, it is nice to see something else for a change. So just because it ain't no Pieces of April, does not mean you won't enjoy it.