Operator 13
Operator 13
NR | 08 June 1934 (USA)
Operator 13 Trailers

American Civil War, 1862. After the disaster of the Second Battle of Bull Run, Major Allen, chief of the Secret Service of the Union, asks actress Gail Loveless to become one of his operators and infiltrate enemy territory.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
GManfred Always liked Marion Davies in most of her films. She always played good-natured, cheerful parts in which you can root for her character. But I guess everyone's entitled to a clinker once in a while, and I thought "Operator 13" is hers. She is hard to believe as a Northern spy in blackface - she doesn't look like a black person at all, and in real life would fool no one. Her makeup as a white spy looks laid on with a trowel, and in addition she doesn't sing well when called upon.The plot itself is a good one and is handled well by underrated director Boleslawski, who died too soon. The scenes of intrigue and espionage are very good, as are the few fight and battle scenes, but the picture goes downhill in the love scenes between Davies and Gary Cooper. The dialogue here seems forced and Davies tries too hard to play an ardent lover. Rest of the cast is excellent with several recognizable character actors, including Ted Healy (minus the 3 Stooges) as a Union Captain.
chris ludlam Although there are some blinkered reviews here,this is actually an enjoyable Civil War movie.Marion Davies acquits herself well as an Union spy in two guises:Initially as a mixed-race maid(Of French lineage from Martinique!),and latterly as a supposed Northern Sympathiser of the Confederacy.She is appealing in both roles. Gary Cooper also gives a decent performance as the Confederate Captain/ Counter-Spy who seeks to apprehend her and becomes her Paramour.Even though this is not exactly his strongest career role! Add to this a stalwart supporting cast(including Jean Parker as a Southern Belle),and some fine atmospheric cinematography:Note the early morning "fishing" scene,and also the Romantic interlude with Gary Cooper pushing Marion Davies on a sizeable swing as she sings the nice "Once In A Lifetime".This is one of several songs sung by her or the Mills Brothers. Approach this Film with an open mind and you may well find it entertaining!
kcfl-1 If you take the US History SAT, you're likely to encounter a question like this: "The main reason the North won the Civil War was...?' The answer is along the lines of "the War lasted too long." That is, the North had an advantage in numbers and industrial base, and wore down the South. However, this wonderful movie shows the real reasons the South lost:1. Their officers were stupid. Marion Davies plays a slave in blackface. Anyone looking at her should be able to tell she's about as black as Jeff Davis. But Confederates must have believed no white would want to pose as a black.2. Their officers were naive. We see them trusting blacks and minstrels implicitly, never believing any would be a Northern sympathizer.3. They spent most of their time dancing. In half the scenes, Reb officers are at balls.A fantastic film. Davies is wonderful as usual, and the film implies an anti-war message;both sides are brutal, with summary executions. It has an impossible happy ending.
psteier Marion Davies is unbelievable as a spy behind Confederate lines who falls for Confederate spy Gary Cooper.The black stereotypes are normal for the time, but now hard to take. The main interest to me are the women's costumes by Andre, especially those in the ball scene.