Operation Kid Brother
Operation Kid Brother
NR | 22 November 1967 (USA)
Operation Kid Brother Trailers

The evil crime syndicate Thanatos is bent on taking over the world, using a magnetic wave generator that will cause all metal-based machinery to grind to a halt. However, the well-known British secret agent normally assigned to such tasks isn't available, so they engage his civilian brother, Neil, to help. Neil, played by Neil Connery, is a world-class plastic surgeon, hypnotist, and lip-reader, which turn out to be precisely the skills required for thwarting Thanatos.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
rdoyle29 During the height of the original James Bond craze in the 60's, there were a lot of rip-off films produced. High profile celebs like Dean Martin and James Coburn starred in light hearted Bond rip-off series. Existing characters like Bulldog Drummond and Modesty Blaise were co- opted into films that were more like Bond films. Even Bond material not owned by the folks behind the series got adapted into the terrible film "Casino Royale". Still ... trust the Italians to produce the most blatant rip-off of them all. This film stars a ton of actors from the Bond series ... Lois Maxwell, Bernard Lee, Anthony Dawson, Daniela Bianchi, Adolfo Celi ... and throws in Sean Connery's young brother Neil to play the younger brother of "England's greatest spy" who's called into action when his brother is not available. The film's not exactly good ... in fact, I don't think the plot ultimately makes much sense at all ... but with all these actors from the series and surprisingly decent production values, it's nowhere near as bad as you'd expect. The big problem with the film is the giant gaping charisma hole that is Neil Connery. It's no surprise that only one brother became a star.
Uriah43 When a secret agent returning with vital information is killed the younger brother of James Bond, who goes by the name of "Dr. Neil Connery" (Neil Connery) is recruited to help the British Secret Service find out what is going on. During the course of his investigation he meets a beautiful assassin named "Maya Rafis" (Daniela Bianchi) who essentially leads him to a criminal organization led by two men named "Alpha" (Anthony Dawson) and "Beta" (Adolfo Celi) with plans to blackmail the richest and most powerful governments in the world. Now as far as this film is concerned I must confess that I had never heard of this particular James Bond clone until recently when I discovered it under the title of "The New Spy vs. Divided Evil". I was also delightfully surprised to find that it had a couple of characters who regularly appeared in previous James Bond films (specifically Lois Maxwell and Bernard Lee) and who essentially reprised their roles but under different names. Likewise, both Daniela Bianchi and Adolfo Celi have also appeared in certain James Bond films as well. Unfortunately, this movie lacked the depth and sophistication normally expected of a James Bond movie and as a result it proved to be greatly inferior to them. As a matter of fact, the only thing of any interest was the performance of Daniela Bianchi who clearly dominated every scene she was in. Even so, she couldn't save this movie from its cheap and shallow format and as a result I have to rate this film accordingly. Slightly below average.
mp99 In a recent article, TV critic Jamie Weinman noted that 1967 was the year that James Bond stopped being cool. The Bond film that year YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE was less successful than predecessors, and that was also the year that Italian filmmakers stopped cranking out spy films and started cranking out westerns . . .Before they quit, though, they gave us just about the goofiest and most enjoyable Bond rip-off ever made-- OPERATION KID BROTHER, which is also know as OPERATION DOUBLE 007 and OK CONNERY, all of the titles pointing wildly to the star of the film as saying "He's actually SEAN'S BROTHER!!" At any rate, Sean's brother Neil Connery plays Neil Connery, a plastic surgeon/hypnotist/archer/lip-reader/karate-fighter . . . No doubt he can also unblock drains and make a perfect angel-food cake, but nobody in the movie asks him to . . . At any rate, Dr. Connery is plastic-surgeon-ing/hypnotizing/lip reading for a gathering of medical experts on the Riviera when his patient is kidnapped, first by Allied Counter-Intelligence, then by bad guys from the criminal gang Thanatos (no doubt formed by people who were fired from SPECTRE during one of Blofeld's efficiency drives). Apparently, the young lady knows something she doesn't know she knows. and after being kidnapped, she gets tortured by a short lesbian and shot to death by a hot-cha-cha Italian lady. There's also a lady spy who dresses at various times like Barney Rubble, Phyllis Diller, and a can-can dancer. She's played by Daniela Bianchi, who co-starred with The Other Connery in FROM Russia WITH LOVE and manages to remained poised and amused throughout. Her boss is played Adolfo Celi, who was in THUNDERBALL, which also starred The Other Connery, although like Ms. Bianchi, he pretends to find Neil terribly impressive. Almost with a straight face.One of the great things about this movie is the presence of Lois Maxwell, who played Miss Moneypenny for years in the Bond films, and was always a highlight. She is here as well, and for once, she gets out in the field and proves she can kick ass as well as any plastic surgeon/hypnotist/lip-reader/archer. And look cool while doing it. As for Bernard Lee, he's along for the ride as well. Smiling broadly and apparently a bit soused. What the heck. The movie can survive it . . .
Elliot James "Do you ever walk upright like other people?" Neil Connery says to a sexy Eurobabe who's on all fours looking for a lost lighter. I love this movie. The sheer number of super-sexy actresses in Operation Kid Brother is staggering. Some enterprising video company should locate the negative and make a deal to put it on DVD in a widescreen version. The Ennio soundtrack is tremendous. You have to wonder why the man was never invited to contribute to a Bond film. Operation Kid Brother is more entertaining than all of the Bond films released since Diamonds Are Forever. I'll add Casino Royale to the list as soon as I see it. The big question is how come Neil Connery didn't speak at the American Film Institute's tribute to Sean Connery last year. Did Sean show the bouncers a photo of Neil and tell them to keep him out at all costs? Lois Maxwell got to do more in this movie than in every Bond film she made and she looks better too, strangely enough. It's a blast to see Dawson and Celi acting side by side. It was probably in Celi's contract that he gets to feel up the actresses. You have to wonder if Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman didn't go ape when Bernard Lee and Maxwell turned up in this.