For Y'ur Height Only
For Y'ur Height Only
| 01 July 1981 (USA)
For Y'ur Height Only Trailers

Mr. Giant has kidnapped the brilliant Dr. Van Kohler and is planning to use the Doctor's invention, the N-bomb, to hold the world hostage. The only one who can foil Mr. Giant's evil scheme is Agent 00, a 3-foot-tall filipino martial arts master, expert marksman, top-class romancer and all-around superspy. Can Agent 00 rescue Dr. Kohler before it's too late?

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Scott LeBrun Meet our hero Agent 00 (Weng Weng). Lover. Fighter. Badass secret agent dude. Fashion plate. He does it all, and then some, and he's only two and a half feet tall. Naturally, he's the best hope for the forces of good when the minions of the nefarious Mr. Giant kidnap scientist Prof. Kohler (Mike Cohen). Kohler has devised an all powerful N bomb that Mr. Giant will use to control the world. As he works his way through a sexy bevy of babes, so too does Agent 00 beat up and mow down one incredibly inept bad guy after another.Here's one for you to check out if you think you've seen it all. A combination of dwarfsploitation and spy spoof, it gets a fair bit of mileage out of some truly gut busting vocal performances / dubbing and uproarious dialogue. The sight of our diminutive hero soaring through the air and effortlessly clobbering goons is good for much amusement. Unfortunately, for this viewer, the novelty ultimately wore off with a fair bit of movie left to go. The good news is that it's never really boring; it does have energy. And while it tends to be crudely made, that's not a debit for this brand of entertainment. (Obviously, it IS intended to be a comedy.)Among the highlights: Agent 00 meeting with a boss who's a combination of the "M" and "Q" characters from the James Bond franchise, the sight of him using an umbrella to make an escape (after taking an understandable pause to romance a lady in a bed), and flying towards the bad guys' hidden fortress by using a jet pack.The Bond style music is catchy, but it's also repetitive. And just like many a Bond film, the ladies are outstanding scenery attractions. The smooth Mr. Weng is quite a hoot to watch.Seven out of 10.
Adam Peters (53%) A truly unique movie that really has to be seen to be believed. It's a James Bond spoof staring a midget as he takes on the many bad guys with guns, gadgets and his bare hands. Normally a movie like this sounds fun but the film itself is either too boring or too poorly made to be worth a look, but this really is quite a good little fun and watchable film. There's tons of action too as Weng Weng guns down hundreds, well the same five men, in a scene that rivals commando in sheer body count. Overall it's much better made than the awful Godfrey Ho movies, and is perhaps worth tracking a copy down just to watch something a little bit different.
Woodyanders Diminutive three foot tall midget thespian Weng Weng positively lights up the screen with his infectious energy and irresistible charisma in this delightfully dippy spy spoof as Agent 00, a supremely smooth and suave super spy who's an ace martial artist (he's a very dirty fighter with a shocking sadistic penchant for hitting opponents below the belt), expert marksman, snappy dresser (Agent 00's gleaming white leisure suit puts John Travolta to shame), brutal ruthless killer, and total chick magnet. Agent 00 is assigned to thwart nefarious crime kingpin Mr. Giant, who's abducted brilliant scientist Dr. Von Kohler and plans to use the good doctor's latest invention the N-bomb for evil purposes (i.e., world domination). However, it would be grossly unfair to say that the incredible Weng Weng is the whole show here: we've also got a tasty plethora of hot babes, hilariously dopey dubbing (all the villains talk with exaggerated New York accents while Agent 00 speaks with a squeaky Woody Allenesque wimpy whine!), crude direction, gut-dusting dialogue ("You're such a little guy, though. Very petite like a potato," one lovely lass remarks to Agent 00), a constant frantic pace, goofy gimmicks galore (a poison pen, gun umbrella, X-ray glasses), rough, scratchy cinematography, a funky-grooving sub-John Barry score, and plenty of the funniest, wackiest, most sublimely ridiculous action scenes to ever erupt onto celluloid. A complete riot.
FieCrier The synopsis sounds pretty fun, but I didn't enjoy this movie as much as I'd hoped to... it's quite cheaply and poorly made. Scenes begin and end without much continuity. The acting is horrendous. The dubbing, while ridiculously bad, isn't all that funny.I do thank Mondo Macabro for including some additional information about the star and the movie, and for including a second movie, Challenge of the Tiger, which I haven't watched yet. Possibly the other Agent 00 movie would have made a better companion, or a collection of trailers for his movies. I would have liked to have heard the original language soundtrack as well. Oh well.Still, I'm glad such a silly movie exists, and that it has been preserved.