If Looks Could Kill
If Looks Could Kill
PG-13 | 15 March 1991 (USA)
If Looks Could Kill Trailers

Michael Corben, along with the rest of his high-school French class, sets out for a trip to France when he is mistaken for an agent of the same name. He is beseiged by both the good guys and the bad guys. British Intelligence outfits him with a series of James-Bond-like gizmos, and Steranko sends more would-be assassins after him. Can Michael stop the evil Steranko's plans for European domination?

Wordiezett So much average
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
jjnxn-1 If you're looking for any sort of award winning cinematic experience with deeply textured meaning this flick is not for you. However if you just want to relax with something that demands almost no thought but will give you more fun than it should this will be perfect.A teen comedy mixed with spy spoof this was supposed to be the launch pad for current teen dream Richard Grieco. It didn't lead to a big career for him but he is appealing in the lead. His extremely over-waxed eyebrows aside he is attractive and humorous as a college student mistaken for a secret agent on a summer class field trip in Europe. The script is silly and the situations ludicrous but there are two things that make this worth catching, the gadgets and the cast. Once the plot kicks in Grieco's character is outfitted with the sort of weapons, cars, etc that wouldn't be out of place in a Bond picture all utilized in a fun way. The real strength of the film though is a cast that is far above what would be usual in this type of flick. Aside from Grieco's game performance there's Robin Bartlett's ever more flustered French Teacher who by the end is kicking butt and taking prisoners. Plus the totally unhinged evil duo of Roger Rees and Oscar winner Linda Hunt chewing the scenery and having a hell of a good time thereby providing the audience with one too. The rest of the cast also plays into the proper mood of lampooning the spy genre making this a breezy delight. With Quebec standing in for Europe there are some beautiful locations and for any car lover some very cool vehicles. The definition of escapist fare.
pennblaze If you're looking for a comedy that teases at every spy movie you've ever seen, then this is it. I saw the movie years ago as a teenager and loved it. While its not the most serious movie in the world, its excellent for a good time and a good laugh. That was what the movie was designed for and I believe it pulls it off well. I watched it with my loved one recently (his first time seeing it) and we laughed all the way through it. Take it with a grain of salt (after all it IS a comedy) and go in expecting nothing in particular. If you do, you'll see all of the serious spy movie scenes done with a twist of humor that will make you laugh and shout "Of course!" when something explodes for no real reason. I love the "teen spy guy" way that this movie was conducted. And I feel it wasn't rated as well as it should have been. This is a fun movie if you're in the mood for something silly. The car chase at the beginning is really neat. Love the cars. And I have to say that the scene with the female assassin at the hotel was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Its just too ridiculously classic. You will not regret it.
SnakeEclipse1403 This movie was okay. I've seen it a couple of times and it's all right. The one-liners in the movie are the best part, but they do hurt it by overdoing them. The action sequence at the end is enjoyable. I only wish they didn't take Mrs. Grober, a complete wuss in one act and turn her into an over-amped, wanna-be, confident fighter. It just didn't work. The only acting worth crediting is that of Marishka's. The only character who acts her role out well. The plot is original and good which made it a little more watchable. Oh, and did they really have to underuse the Lotus. Come on, we see him screwing around with the gadgets while not even trying to get into too much conflict with the bad guys. So there's one guy chasing him. Do we give a rat's ***? No. If they had almost the whole force on him, then there's something worth watching. Steranko is just plain annoying at times. I wish that that what's her face short lady was the main bad guy(girl). At least she's more intimidating than this tall wimp. One last thing, the helicopter and the fire at the end. Can anyone say,"too much?" I mean a blade going off on its own is the weirdest thing ever, even for a movie. And the fire; I didn't know it could spread so fast in under 3 minutes. Plus, you can tell in the far away shot of the castle at the end when it on fire that it is pure model or something like that. Thank God for CGI these days. 5/10
George Parker "If Looks Could Kill" tells of a high school French class's trip to France and one student (Grieco) who gets caught up in an international spy drama through mistaken identity. A fun little action comedy with not a single dull moment, this flick lampoons 007 films as its tale of comic intrigue unfolds. A silly no-brainer on cable with a little something for everyone.