Operation Crossbow
Operation Crossbow
PG-13 | 01 April 1965 (USA)
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Allied agents infiltrate the Nazi rocket complex at Peenemunde in order to obtain their secrets and sabotage the plant.The film alternates between German developments of the V-1 missile and V-2 rocket (with a German cast speaking their own language) and discovery by British Intelligence of the weapon.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Lawbolisted Powerful
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
LeonLouisRicci The WWII Wonks and Buffs can relate the Fiction vs Fact aspects of this Mid-Sixties, Big-Budget Production that had a Number of Contemporaries in the Time-Period. This one is as Good as any.The Realistic Sets and Details are Convincing and it has a Big International Cast, mostly British except for Sophia Loren in a Small but Engaging Part and Headliner George Peppard.It's more of a Spy Movie than a Typical War Action and it Blends the Genres to make for a Gripping Real-Life Story about German Rocketry (Buzz Bombs and V1 & 2). The English and German Conflict had an Urgency, displayed for Dramatic Effect in this Nail-Biter. The Film has a few Drags in Spots, but Very Few.Overall, a Handsome Production, Fine Acting, and a Story to Kill for. Entertaining for its Kind with just Enough Classic Intrigue, Action, and Suspense that makes it Hold Up to this Day.
wes-connors The Nazis are developing long-range rockets. Their "flying bomb" could win World War II for the Axis powers. As you might expect, the British are miffed. They send American military engineer George Peppard (as John Curtis) along with Jeremy Kemp (as Phil Bradley) and Tom Courtenay (as Robert Henshaw) over to infiltrate and destroy the German underground factory from the inside. The trio pose as dead men and arrive via parachute. There are some problems with their impersonations...Michael Anderson skillfully directs this spy drama. The story does seem cluttered, which is not helped by a distinguished cast, all requiring their moments. The plot requires concentration. Peppard is the star, but something doesn't seem quite right in his portrayal. His character often appears to be lacking in determination - this is somewhat remedied by the script and some closing action...Everyone else is the cast is supporting Peppard, including top-billed Sophia Loren (as Nora). Her husband Carlo Ponti produced "Operation Crossbow" and Ms. Loren is an attractive addition to the cast. An incredibly beautiful woman who can also act, Loren dominates her section of the film. Marvelously holding her own during the Loren sequence is helpful maid Lilli Palmer (as Frieda). Of those orchestrating the mission, Richard Johnson (as Duncan Sandys) plays a good part.****** Operation Crossbow (4/1/65) Michael Anderson ~ George Peppard, Jeremy Kemp, Sophia Loren, Tom Courtenay
ma-cortes Exciting WWII military thriller including a moving final and overwhelming pyrotechnics . This interesting picture packs big stars , intrigue , action packed , suspense and historic deeds . It deals with a trio (George Peppard , Tom Courtneay, Jeremy Kemp) of Allied agents are assigned by high command (John Mills , Richard Johnson , Trevor Howard , Richard Todd , Maurice Denham) to destroy a Nazi munitions installation . They attempt to infiltrate the Nazis' rocket research site. Their mission is complicated by appearing a wife (Sophia Loren) , one traitor and several dangers . Thrilling war film in which there are nail-biting action scenes , drama , intrigue , explosion , suspenseful set pieces and almost overloaded with stars . The movie gets a simple emotional appeal , professionalism and being rightly shot . This film's title is the same code-name for the real World War II spy mission, which was code-named "Crossbow". After the Second World War, because of this movie's title, reference to these events popularized them as being "Operation Crossbow" . This blazing WWII yarn pulled the public into cinemas in droves when it was first released . Director Michael Anderson steered skillfully through its numerous twists . Despite receiving top billing , Sophia Loren only appears in a extended cameo role ; producer Carlo Ponti, Loren's husband, believed his wife's popularity in the United States would boost the film's chances at the box office and had her billed accordingly . Filmed on splashy color and brilliant cinematography by cameraman Erwin Hillier . Breathtaking as well as evocative musical score by Ron Goodwin . Excellent production design and nice special effects , for the section of the film where RAF Bomber Command raid the Peenemunde rocket research site the producers used the Avro Lancaster PA474 used by the Cranfield institute of technology . For the scene in which a street is wiped out by a V-2, the filmmakers actually destroyed a row of flats which were slated for demolition , the shot was, necessarily, done in one take.This movie is based on historical events , as there appears the character of Hannah Reitsch, played by Barbara Rütting , was a real-life person . Reitsch was a German aviatrix and at one time Adolf Hitler's own personal pilot. During the Battle of Berlin, Reitsch attempted to persuade Hitler to escape from the city in a small lightweight Fieseler Storch airplane . Furthermore , appears Duncan Sandys, a character in this movie played by Richard Johnson, was a real-life person ; Sandys was Chairman of the British War Cabinet Committee for the Defence against German rockets and flying bombs , he was the son-in-law of British wartime prime minister, Winston Churchill and was wounded during the Second World War in Norway in 1941 which resulted in him having a permanent limp . The motion picture was professionally directed by Michael Anderson . He was a craftsman with reputation for making a variety of commercial and amusing films , it's well demonstrated in ¨Operation Crossbow¨. His films from 1953-58 were all quite well received , his cycle ended with the best of them , the suspense , thriller ,¨Chase a crooked shadow¨ . Latterly resident in Canada , he has continued to direct , mainly in lower-profile projects and TV adventure movies . Anderson has filmed all kind of genres as cinema as TV ; such as Adventure : ¨Around the world in 80 days¨ , ¨Doc Savage¨ , ¨The sea Wolf¨ , ¨20.000 leagues under the sea¨ ; Sci-Fi : ¨Logan's run¨, ¨The martian chronicles¨ , ¨Milennium¨ ; Thriller: ¨The Quiller Memorandum , ¨Dominique is dead¨ , ¨The naked edge¨ , The wreck of the Mary Deare¨ , ¨Murder by phone¨ and Wartime : ¨Battle hell¨, ¨Shake hands with the devil¨, Damm Busters¨ and of course , ¨Operation Crossbow¨ .
bensonmum2 Operation Crossbow is a solid espionage thriller set in WWII. The plot concerns the British/Allies attempt to get saboteurs inside German rocket facilities. The British have taken huge hits from the V1 and the other Allies rightly fear the more deadly V2. Three candidates are selected, given credentials allowing them to pose as Dutch engineers, and sent off to infiltrate and help destroy the Reich's most secret weapons development program.Not being a WWII scholar, I'm not sure how historically accurate Operation Crossbow really is. But really, who cares? Operation Crossbow was never meant to be a scholarly work – it's a piece of fluff entertainment. And for the most part, it succeeds at being entertaining. While the movie may get off to a slow start, the action and suspense of the third act make up for most all of the films perceived shortcomings. The film's finale in an underground Nazi rocket facility is very reminiscent of James Bond and just as thrilling. And even if the movie does get off to a slow start, I found the bits about Nazi test pilot Hannah Reitsch interesting. Most of the cast is excellent. With few exceptions, George Peppard and the rest of the cast turn in fine performances. There are some nice special effects sequences worth mentioning. In particular, the bombing of London was very well handled. The only significant complaints I can come up with involve Trevor Howard and Sophia Loren. Howard's not necessarily bad in his role, but his character, the eternally pessimistic Professor Lindemann, is so annoying I wanted to wring his neck each time he popped-up on screen. As for Sophia Loren, she's a wonderful actress and I enjoy most of her work, but in all honestly, Operation Crossbow would have been a tighter, more enjoyable movie without her. Her character brings ZERO to the movie and her scenes are not important to what came before or what comes after. Her screen time is limited to 15 or 20 minutes that only serve to kill the film's flow. She may get top billing, but that's for her name only. Still, even with these flaws, I've always enjoyed Operation Crossbow and can easily rate it a 7/10.