Only the Strong
Only the Strong
PG-13 | 27 August 1993 (USA)
Only the Strong Trailers

Former Green Beret Louis Stevens returns to his hometown of Miami after completing military service in Brazil, only to learn that his old high school has become a haven for gangs and drug dealers. After Stevens uses his capoeira skills to kick several drug dealers off of the school property, Kerrigan, one of Stevens' old teachers, sees the impact that Stevens has on the students. Kerrigan gives him the task of teaching Capoeira to a handful of the worst at-risk students at the school.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
edflores-49350 I've seen some bad movies in my time, but this one is one of the worst.
Jakethemuss I'm going to be frank, this is no Oscar winner by a long shot, but it serves well as a martial arts themed flick and I found it enjoyable.The easy to follow plot revolves Green Beret soldier and cappoiera expert Lois Stevens, who has returned from a stint in Brazil to his old high school in Miami, which is in a sad state as drugs, crime and chronic underachievement are rife.After Lois schools 3 menacing drug dealers in front of the whole school, he suggests teaching his martial arts discipline to 12 particularly bad students to see if this can focus them and broaden their horizons. He starts training them in the ways, and eventually they start to listen..and more importantly LEARN. The only obstacle is Silverio, the vicious leader of a notoriously tough city gang, who happens to have a cousin in Stevens' training group. But of course Lois isn't going to let some miscreant stand in his way.This film, despite its cheese factor, has a positive 'can do' tone throughout, and is enjoyable for this reason. Also enjoyable for its fight scenes, which sees a dedicated and determined Lois take on hordes of opponents with his amazing skills.
lufiel maluviel The real star of "Only the Strong" is the capoeira style of Brazilian martial arts (which is the pre-cursor of many break dancing moves) exhibited throughout the film. There are many movies that concentrate on wushu, taekwondo, karate, aikido, and many others styles from different parts of the world, but capoeira movies are far and few between, which makes "Only the Strong" that much more unique.The story is nothing short of rehashed and predictable; a well meaning soldier (Mark Dacascos) with martial arts background from his previous station in Brazil, comes back to the U.S. and attempts to take charge of the rebellious, rival students in a troubled neighbourhood. He attempts to give them a focus in life with the art of capoeira, which combines martial arts, music and dancing, as well as stressing teamwork between the players/fighters. The troublesome students take a while to be won over by Decascos efforts, but eventually play along.Things get complicated when it turns out that one of the students is the son of a Portuguese gangster, a capoeira maestre himself, that is the terror of the town, leading to some battles and a showdown between the ruthless criminal and his followers and the well meaning teacher.The acting and the story is sub-par as mentioned previously, but this is , at the time of this writing, the only movie focusing on capoeira as a whole, and as such deserves a closer look by martial arts fans everywhere who are ready for something truly different.
Kameb this is the best movie of Capoeira in the world. There aren't many movies about Capoeira, but this is definitively the best. Mark Dacascos show us his great martial-artist talent.If you like Dacascos, you have to see Crying Freeman ;)