Only Old Men Are Going to Battle
Only Old Men Are Going to Battle
G | 14 October 1973 (USA)
Only Old Men Are Going to Battle Trailers

Alexey Titarenko is very talented pilot and brave leader of "Singing group". He also must look after some new cadets and fight together with them against German Luftwaffe planes. Close to Alexey always are his friends, they are all from different parts of the country, but they all became real brothers.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
goods116 This movie is only interesting as a Russian/Soviet cultural curiosity. It is a 1974 movie of a Soviets pilots fighting the Germans in the Ukraine. It's 95% talk, 5% action, mostly stock footage a that. If hoping to see a war action movie, even a hint of one, this is not the movie. Talk, talk and more talk, and some singing as well. It's pretty boring. Watch this movie if interested in Russian/Soviet culture and language, or how WWII is seen in the eyes of Soviet 70s Russia.
Armand a lovely film. few lines and a profound message. a war film but far to be another movie about heroic events and mounts of dead. it is poetry and music. homage and wise example to be more than political instrument. a film about human links, not complicated, about joy and sacrifices. a film of characters because each of them is a seductive sketch. a film about Soviet Union as a large family but without the veil of propaganda. it is strange its freshness. the explanation is simple - the values who defines ordinaries lives. the war is short, the music is eternal and this is the heart of its force and charm and science to present basic truth in perfect light, in the best form. nostalgic and tender. a slice from a great cinema school.
rakhimov-rustam This movie is about war! Our war, that killed 30 million people. It is about love. Love which does have country borders or nationalism! It is about soviet heroes, who died letting us live. Who died fighting against Hitler! There is no Soviet propaganda, which makes it suitable for any generation and for any person. The main idea is people. Their relationships, their dreams, their believes, their sacrifice and tears. This movie let you think about war. It wont show you physical pain, it will show you inner grief. Watch it and think twice voting for people who start wars, who says that your nation is better, who let people die!
Dada_Tonya Hi !This is very interesting WWII fighter pilots' film in international standard!This fighter wing has own music band played by fighter pilots themselves and the "nose art" of the plane of wing leader is "music score".Director and main actor, Leonid Bukov is one of very impressive actor in Soviet union 1960-70s era movies who usually took rolls of ordinary citizen or soldier in several films. He never took a roll of famous red army general.Most of air battle scenes were taken from documentary films. This films focus on a life and death, happy time and sad time, of pilots themselves, and their love with lovely female pilots.Also I feel special Ukrainian feeling in this film.(This film was made by Ukrainian movie studio during Soviet era)Beside this one, another Soviet Union Fighter pilot film "Baltiskoe Nyebo" (means, Baltic Sky) is also impressive in different way which focus on the various relations between fighter pilots and citizens of Leningrad under German army's Blockade.
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