One Wild Moment
One Wild Moment
| 04 September 2015 (USA)
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Antoine and Laurent, old friends, spend their vacation in Corsica with their respective daughters: seventeen-year-old Louna and eighteen-year-old Marie. One evening at the beach, Louna seduces Laurent. Louna is in love, but for Laurent it was nothing more than a momentary distraction. Without revealing her lover's name, Louna confides in her father, who tries by any means to discover who his daughter's lover is. How long will the secret be able to be kept hidden?

Alicia I love this movie so much
Micitype Pretty Good
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
jimenanieto I loved it! You need to know Corse and its habitants to understand some of the great moments of this movie, it may also lose part of its great dialogues in translation. Vincent Cassel is at its best.
Spellbinder888 As a young woman I was nauseated to see how one dimensional the Louna character was and the whole premise was like something out of a bad 1970s exploitation film. I literally know and have never known any women or girls who exist like this creature Louna. She exists merely as a plot device fantasy object to titillate middle aged men who think they have a hope in hell of bedding a beautiful young 17 year old. It is creepy beyond belief and the fact that she would want to have sex with her dad's best friend with her dad nearby has a incestuous kind of undertone that I found repellent. Trust me, any normal girl does not want to be having sex with someone with her dad in the same house or nearby. The fact that it's her dad's old best friend she wants to bone is just so much worse. At least the Marie character (the only convincing performance) calls her dad a pervert and her friend a slut for it, as any young girl would whose best friend sleeps with her old dad. He is said to be 45 in the film but Cassel looks older (because he is, he would have been late 40s when this was filmed). CLuzet's naff depiction of being an old pervert on the beach ogling young women's bums over his sunglasses didn't work at all. I wonder why he took this gig as he comes off as too respectable to be convincing as an old leering codger.Cassel's character's feeble protestations at Louna's demented seduction techniques are pathetic and don't come off as comedy but bizarro tragedy. Yeah avoid, at least I didn't pay to see this turd.This film has absolutely no place in 2017. Gross.
lazarillo There is a reason that some of the other reviewers have noted that the plot of this movie is very similar to the 1984 American film "Blame It on Rio". BOTH movies are remakes of a now largely forgotten 1977 French film with the same title as this one, "Un Moment d'engarement" ("One Wild Moment"). It is interesting though that the French are STILL making films like this, while the Americans wouldn't touch this subject today with a ten-foot pole. It's very doubtful older teenage girls have become more virginal since the 1970's and 1980's, and the idea that a sexual relationship between a younger person and an older person is ALWAYS "predatory" (provided the younger person is old enough to be sexually active in the first place)is a lot more debatable than it is often made out to be. Are sexually active teenage girls really a lot better off with an inexperienced guy "their own age" who doesn't even know how to successfully use a condom? For me though it is pretty simple. There are A LOT of things that seem exciting and enticing in movies, but would be extremely foolish and probably disastrous to do in real life. I definitely wouldn't lie down on the train tracks and let a train pass over me, even though it seems exciting when they do it in movies, and by the same token, while I enjoy the fantasy of movies like this (or the two earlier versions), I certainly wouldn't do it in real life. I doubt even in real-life France that middle-age men routinely sleep with their friends' teenage daughters, but the French also just don't have the ridiculous puritanical hang-ups of Americans when it comes to anything having to do with S-E-X, and thank god for that.For what it's worth, this version does make one concession to our more cautionary times. While the young actresses in the original "Un Moment d'engarement" and "Blame It On Rio" were both slightly underage themselves at the time like their characters, the actress here, Lola Le Lann, was actually about twenty, and ANY male of ANY age will find her VERY attractive as she frolics around completely naked in the surf. Ooh-la-la! I do think they should have switched the male roles and had the more mature and repressed Francois Cluzet get involved with his friend's daughter as opposed to the more youthful and "dangerous" Vincent Cassell. (That dynamic worked better in "Blame It On Rio" where the hapless Michael Caine had to deal with the volatile Joseph Bologna, who was trying to find the older man who slept with his daughter). Still this is a pretty entertaining and sexy movie, but definitely don't expect another American remake in this day and age.
sally_edsall I saw this at the french Film Festival in Sydney, 2016. I always go to see anything Francois Cluzet is in, but am afraid this year he disappointed. He seemed to be sleep-walking through this. I found the situations he was depicted in fairly tedious and not funny at all, though it is billed as a comedy.Alice Isaaz is the stand-out in this. She offers a nuanced role and view about the situation, which let's face it, is as old as the hills (Lolita - type seductress and older man who 'can't resist'). Isaaz's character does remind her 45- year old father that HE is the adult. "Lolita's" doe-eyes and pouting were grating. Her's was a one-note performance. Cassell was workmanlike, but the character was beyond irritating. His inability to say "No" to a 17 year old temptress was incredibly annoying. The sight of the fading studs walking u the beach eyeing off pert young female flesh was annoying to say the least. I didn't find it funny on the whole, though there were a couple of moments. Was killing the neighbour's dog instead of a wild boar meant to be funny? It wasn't. I would not bother to seek this out at a cinema. Maybe a DVD on a rainy afternoon.