| 01 January 1998 (USA)
Genesis Trailers

A sculptor is traumatized by the death of his wife in a car accident. He builds a sculpture in her memory. As the lifelike sculpture begins to bleed through the cracks of clay, the sculptor's flesh mutates and crumbles away...

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Snaggletooth . After experiencing Aftermath I sat down to watch this thinking I was in for another gross out horror-fest, but how wrong I was. Genesis couldn't be further away from the full on gore of Aftermath if it tried. Its just beautiful, simply beautiful. The use of Classical music (which Im not even a fan of) ebbs in and out like waves on a shore, and there's a point about half way through where some light choral music rises in the background almost bringing you to tears. I will watch this again for sure, and Im so pleased to have it in my collection. In a way Im glad this director returned with something to show hes not just a one trick pony trying to sicken people with controversial horror. Genesis surely is a recommended short for anyone into dark cinema or not.
Casey_Moriarty This film is an interesting one- I'll start by saying I rented the DVD out of curiosity to see Aftermath, but I'm very glad this was included too. It's a haunting short film, and to see Pep Tosar in this role right after I watched his depraved Aftermath character is certainly interesting- this guy's a damn good actor. The film itself speaks about a man's obsession with his deceased wife- and it tells the story with no dialogue of any kind, just a series of images, many of which are very powerful and well structured. I particularly like the one where Tosar's character is midway through the transformation he undergoes in this movie and is staring across the room at the statue of his wife. Really a beautiful image. It's interesting because I was recently in a discussion where the proposition was put forth that the only way to immortality is to obsess over your work. In 'Genesis' the sculptor definitely obsesses... and as a result he is able to see his wife in the land of the living again, just before the last of his own flesh and blood hardens to stone. A very interesting motion picture.
Michael_Elliott Genesis (1998) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Another Spanish horror film from Nacho Cerda. A man accidentally kills his woman in a car wreck and to keep her memory alive he sculps a life size figure of her. Soon after the figure is complete, the thing starts to bleed and slowly comes to life. This one here isn't as good as the above film but it does have several nice moments and some very good direction. The gore factor isn't nearly as high but the film is just as effective.Available on DVD with the director's 1994 film Aftermath.
ElijahCSkuggs Heading into Genesis I was aware of one thing: it's only 30 minutes long. Beyond this, I was totally clueless to what would follow. What did follow was one of the best short-films I've ever seen. Check that....movies I've ever seen.Genesis is the story of a man who from unknown reasons lost his wife. Since losing his wife, he's spent countless hours crafting sculptures of his dearly departed. He's now finishing up on another sculpture and this time, he's truly completed his best work to date. He knows it's his best work, and so does the movie-goer. While putting finishing touches on his masterpiece, he notices a red drip come from out of the shoulder of his statue. Inquisitively he studies it for a little bit and decides to get some rest. A scene later you see him sitting in his bed and his nose begins to bleed, he rushes to the sink to clean up, but what you see in the sink, isn't blood anymore, but residue of some type of ashy clay. From this moment on you're taken on a eerily beautiful trip through, love, dedication and death. It's not just these three feeling/aspects the viewer experiences, these are just the ones I related to most. The movie captures many wonderful and sad things pertaining to life and death.The movie is shot in a gorgeous way; the camera-movement is slow and the camera shots are crisp and graphic. There is zero dialog, but the film thrives with just one silent, talented actor. And I can't forget about the music, it's absolutely perfect, it fits the cinematography 100%. Genesis I believe is more fantasy than horror, but it held my attention firmly as would a horror movie. Simply and flat-out it's one of my favorite movies. 10 outta 10.
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