One Good Turn
One Good Turn
NR | 31 October 1931 (USA)
One Good Turn Trailers

Down and out Stan and Ollie beg for food from a friendly old lady who provides them with sandwiches. While eating, they overhear the lady's landlord tell her he's going to throw her out because she can't pay her mortgage. They don't realize that the old lady is really rehearsing for a play. Stan and Ollie decide to help the old lady by selling their car. During the auction a drunk puts a wallet in Stan's pocket. Ollie accuses Stan of robbing the old lady, but when the truth is revealed Stan takes revenge on Ollie.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Hitchcoc I'm not sure how to take this one. Stan and Ollie have hit bottom during the depression. All they have is an old car and a tent, which is soon destroyed They are reduced to begging and an old lady gives them some food. But because they can't get along, they waste the food, throwing it at each other. When they hear a melodrama being practiced behind closed doors, they think that the old lady is being foreclosed on by Jimmy Finlayson. It is actually a rehearsal for a community play. They decide to sell their car to help the kind old lady out. Well things go south. The thing with this episode is that they end up in a confrontation that detracts form their normal relationships. It's still worth a watch with quite a surprise ending.
MartinHafer For the first 90% of this Laurel and Hardy short, there wasn't a whole lot to distinguish it from any other. In fact, the plot seemed a bit "schmaltzy" (i.e., sappy), as Stan and Ollie try to help out an old lady who they mistakenly think is about to be evicted by an evil landlord. Instead of the usual Laurel and Hardy hi-jinx, the film tends to be a nicer and gentler side to the boys--thus, to me, it's a tad dull! That is, dull until the very end of the film! At this point, in a HUGE contrast to the usual relationship between Stan and Ollie, Stan has had enough and proceeds to chase Ollie about trying to beat the stuffing out of him!! And, in the process, they destroy much of the nice old lady's home! The scene is a lot of fun to watch and quite spectacular, so the film is definitely worth seeing. Just don't expect it to be among their better films--at least until the end.
rbverhoef A nice Laurel & Hardy movie where they are victims of the depression. After Laurel has burned their tent and lost their food and clothes they get something to eat from a nice old lady. They overhear the woman when she is talking to a man. He says she will be thrown out of her house because she can't pay the 100 dollars she owes him. Laurel & Hardy want to help the lady because she helped them. They still own a car and they try to sell it for the 100 dollars they need.There are some pretty funny moments in this short movie, especially near the end. Another fine one by the two comedians.
Ron Oliver A LAUREL & HARDY Comedy Short.Believing ONE GOOD TURN deserves another, Stan & Ollie try to raise money for a sweet old lady who's been kind to them, in the mistaken belief she's about to be turned out of her home by a nasty creditor.A very funny little film. Highlight: Stan's attempts to put out the campfire. That's Mary Carr as the old lady, James Finlayson as the Community Player & Billy Gilbert as a drunk.