G | 04 November 2003 (USA)

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On a high mountain plain lives a lamb with wool of such remarkable sheen that he breaks into high-steppin' dance. But there comes a day when he loses his lustrous coat and, along with it, his pride. It takes a wise jackalope - a horn-adorned rabbit - to teach the moping lamb that wooly or not, it's what's inside that'll help him rebound from life's troubles.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
TheLittleSongbird I don't think this is Pixar at their very best, like with Presto or Geri's Game, but it is a Pixar short film that I like very much. The narrative is very cute and engaging if not as snappily paced as One Man Band or Presto. However this doesn't matter so much because the animation as you'd always expect from Pixar is wonderful especially in the backgrounds, and musically it is one of Pixar's most satisfying, very melodic and memorable. I also loved the message, on which Boundin' is reliant, and felt it was presented in an uplifting way, and the characters have a certain likability to them. In conclusion, a very good short film, it is cute, short and sweet with wonderful animation and music and one of the better messages in any of their short films. 8/10 Bethany Cox
Britton Britt First of all, I am entirely new to this section; Pixar Animation Films. This one will be the very first in ma list and much pleasure to say that I am impressed and will keep on watching Pixar Films. Well, more regarding the film: I am in fact realizing now that "Small is beautiful" and its well presented in limited words & of course in limited time. Life is a well wrapped gift & a beautifully great one despite all its sorrows and blues. More Importantly, our vision is not so clear being in tears regarding our lose, disregarding all the blessings around. Open up our mind and start experiencing all the bits around and put it together for a complete life. For, all these are the very cream of life, you can't just avoid it. Definitely, its not the best of all the Pixar films, instead i will tag it as an inspirational one which will keep your spirit up. Recommend all of u to watch it whenever u feel marooned amidst of your blues.
sashank_kini-1 Pixar's 4 minute short presents an optimistic message of self-confidence in highs and lows. Its a very simple and catholic message, as everyone can understand it in the first go. Some may find the message to be too simplistic and say "Oh, not another morale-boosting schmutz" but Pixar aims at sending across simple and positive messages as its main audience is young kids. And the song and dance sequence would surely stay in a kid's mind. I can relate to the film because for three years I was without my front tooth and was hesitant to talk because I looked funny and I was a bit afraid of going to the dentist. And in such times, friends may or may not help since most of them are concerned about their own appearances, especially in this materialistic modern world.Another example, a recent one is when I had acute hepatitis A and was in the hospital. I had some project related work and was given assurance by two of my friends not to worry and to take care. Another group called me up and asked me why I was not going to come and when I told them about my health, their first question was: "Hey, since you are not coming, why don't you send us your laptop right now because we need one?" And they didn't even bother to ask how I was feeling then.So there are friends and then there are guardian angels. The sheep over here loses his fleece, which was his only vanity and becomes demoralized and stops dancing. Its guardian angel is a practical jackalope.Now some may interpret the message wrongly as one where the sheep shouldn't lose hope even when it isn't 'exploited', but I feel that's not a particularly right interpretation. To me, it refers to situations beyond one's control, though to avoid a wrong interpretation, I feel that the film could've added an additional scene where the sheep is no longer shaved, once the people notice how happy it is boundin.My rating: 7/10
Clownbird Beautiful visuals and top-notch animation as usual, but that's about it. Isn't Pixar above these lame "feel-good" type message films? I'm really surprised they would have a) created such a sappy film and then b) release it in front of The Incredibles, which was aimed at an older audience than this "Boundin'" pap. The message of the film? Ooh, be proud of whoever you are, whatever you look like. That's an excellent sentiment, and one that would be right at home in a cartoon from, I don't know, about 1970. In 2003, it's over thirty years late. Most of the Dr. Seuss-like rhymes seemed a little forced as well. Pixar needs to stick with what it knows, and that's making intelligent, witty films. Leave the cutesy message films aimed at five-year-olds for some lesser studio to create.