One Direction: This Is Us
One Direction: This Is Us
PG | 30 August 2013 (USA)
One Direction: This Is Us Trailers

"One Direction: This Is Us" is a captivating and intimate all-access look at life on the road for the global music phenomenon. Weaved with stunning live concert footage, this inspiring feature film tells the remarkable story of Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis' meteoric rise to fame, from their humble hometown beginnings and competing on the X-Factor, to conquering the world and performing at London’s famed O2 Arena. Hear it from the boys themselves and see through their own eyes what it's really like to be One Direction.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
rilliana Most people might not like this because its up to date to their fans liking. Its not just delivering boring facts and all but showing their journey and showing their fans that they're having fun
thehappyspaceman First of all, I know I'm not in the target demographic for this movie, but I feel like an interesting and informative documentary can be made about something no matter what its subject matter is. And this movie... ugh. I'm not going to go out on a limb and say that One Direction: This Is Us is the worst movie I've ever seen, because then someone could bring a different one to my attention that's even worse, but I will say that it's definitely the worst concert documentary I've ever seen. And even that feels really wrong, because at the end of the day, this was just propaganda. As a movie, nothing happens in it. As a documentary, it relies on the audience already knowing everything about this band. And as something called "This Is Us," I don't even leave it knowing all their names, much less anything else about them. There's no plot that it builds up to, there's no conflict or resolution, and this seems to be a common problem in the era when any schmuck pop star can get a theatrical movie made about them (such as Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and the Jones Brothers). And for a 3D movie, there isn't even anything interesting to look at apart from the five guys in the band going around and pointing at things. I actually lost a lot of respect for its director Morgan Spurlock when I saw this movie. It felt like he wanted to make a better movie that wasn't just a huge commercial, but was held back by someone--probably the record company--and instead made this. I'm glad to see that even some of the band's own fans are seeing through this quick grab for cash and are leaving negative reviews. Movies like this are created with zero effort and are only made to steal fans' money, because the people who make these movies know that some people will buy anything as long as it has a popular band's name attached.
regexfan From what I see on here, the reviews are either written by hardcore fans who gave the movie glittering reviews or (jealous)people who are determined to hate on the band by trashing it to no end (people who probably didn't even watch the movie). So let me waste a bit of my time to write an honest and unbiased review about this movie.First of all, I'm not a fan of this band, but I'm interested in Simon Cowell, not the man himself, but his business ventures. As someone who is not a fan and who watches the movie with no expectations at all, the first one hour of the movie appeared to me like a very long and dragging commercial advertisement where the "product" here is the BAND itself. The producers and director had nothing else in their minds when they set out to make this movie. They wanted to tell us what we, the mass public, SHOULD think of the band.The whole movie was actually made based off that. Like how you see a McDonald's ad on TV and it wants to tell you how delicious and fresh McDonald's foods are? And how you know what you're seeing on the ad isn't even half true? Yes, this movie is JUST like that.Anything that happens in the first 60 minutes of the movie comes off as dishonest, all the interviews with the band's security, tour manager, the musicians, sound very scripted. Everyone talks the same way of someone or something, there's NO WAY it's not scripted or they weren't being told of what to say.One of the major setbacks of the movie to me is how the boys are forcefully portrayed as very down to earth, fun, stupid, naive, and harmless. It was obviously done to show that they're very safe for their fan base of very young girls. But here's what I didn't like the most: They made it as if the boys DECIDE for themselves not to be a dancing boyband.They made it as if the boys DECIDE for themselves how their music sounds like.They made it as if the boys DECIDE for themselves on what to wear.For a record, we all KNOW, they don't decide on all the things above, so who are they kidding? The last 30 minutes of the movie is pretty close to how the movie should be. To me the good part of the movie is when they went back to their hometown to see their family. Any part that has a family member in it can be considered as a good part. It shows where they came from, the life they had before the band, what changes they made to their family. The very brief interviews with the family members are golden.And there's this part where one of the boys said there was time when he's not enjoying everything and had to take a step back. This part is good because it shows how vulnerable the boys are, being very young and had to adapt to the drastic changes in their lives. But sadly this part only last for a few seconds, and no more exploration of this kind was made again.It's such a shame really, that the people behind this movie decided to be on the safe side and put out something not much of a value rather than going all the way to tell an honest, interesting, and unique story about the band and the band members. But who am I kidding, the movie is obviously a project to make (Simon Cowell)their record label more money, not to create some art.
Jordan Leukam Hey, all of these people leaving terrible reviews have absolutely no life. Just because this band doesn't sound like the music you listen to doesn't mean they aren't talented. They've worked so hard to get where they are today, and you're being completely rude. I bet half of these people never even watched the film! I bet a billion dollars they can sing 10x better than you can. I can't believe people these days... Yes, I am a fan of them and I'm not just defending them because I love them, but because there's no need to say awful things like that! I went and saw this with my mom because she WANTED to see it! She said it was hilarious and adorable! I don't see how anyone could say this was a "God Awful" documentary... There's nothing wrong with it! There voices. They're growing up! Their voices are still changing somewhat, they started off younger but that's fine!