Once Upon a Time in China III
Once Upon a Time in China III
R | 11 February 1993 (USA)
Once Upon a Time in China III Trailers

Master Wong and his disciples enroll in the 'Dancing Lion Competition' to stop an assassination plot and to battle an arrogant, deceitful opponent.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
callanvass This is another fantastic chapter in this amazing series, and introduces us, to another great character Clubfoot!. It's not quite as good as the 1st 2 however, it's still grand entertainment and everything was still brilliant plus Jet Li is simply amazing once again!. The fight choreography is as good as ever, and the romance was great, plus Foon is hilarious once again!. Some of the dialog was very funny, and the fight scenes were amazing, plus the character development was very good once again. Jet Li and Rosamund Kwan had very good chemistry together once again. The end fight is spectacular, and it did tend to concentrate a lot on the romance angle, plus the story was excellent!. The villain was really good, and once again it send a great message, plus all the characters were awesome!. This is another fantastic chapter in this amazing series, and it introduces, us to another great character Clubfoot!, and i say it's a must see regardless. The Direction is excellent. Hark Tsui does an excellent job here, with fantastic camera work, amazing shots during the action scenes, some other incredible shots and keeping the film at an incredibly fast pace. There is a bit of blood and violence. We get Extremely Gory wounds,impaling's slit throat and a couple gunshot wounds. The Acting is fantastic!. Jet Li is AMAZING as always, and is amazing here, he adds a great comical touch, really seemed to be enjoying himself, kicked that ass, had very good chemistry with Rosamund Kwan once again,and was just tons of fun to watch!. (jet Rules!). Rosamund Kwan is great here as Aunt 13 once again, she is as likable as ever!, and is very beautiful. Shun Lau is awesome as Jet's dad and also added a great comic touch as well. Siu Chung Mok is fantastic as Foon!, and cracked my ass up.Xin Xin Xiong is Fantastic as Clubfoot i just loved him!, one of my favorite characters. rest of the cast do great. Overall a must see regardless. ***** out of 5
streen2000 I know that there have been a lot of reviews deploring the relatively lower standards of fight choreography, plot, etc. of this third installment. Yet of the 4, this was the movie that left the deepest impression on this humble reviewer - I remember being moved to tears after watching this as 12 year-old. I do understand, though, why other reviewers might have panned this one - it's much easier to understand tsui hark's intentions from the perspective of someone brought up in a more... "Chinese" environment, so to speak.The theme song of the series (the one with the drums and Chinese-trumpets and people chanting "ahhhh... ahhhhhaahhhahhaahhahhh..." - yes, don't you know it) is about a man who wants to become a hero and win glory and honour - he calls others to join him in his quest, and sings of a fire burning in him that is "brighter than the sun" - an example of the sort of nationalistic, patriotic tradition that is very much ingrained into mainland-chinese culture (how much of it is part of a communist government's propaganda-package is anyone's guess). The character of Huang Fei-Hung is the embodiment of all the values inherent in The Patriot: a man unafraid of standing up to oppressive powers (foreign or otherwise) and fighting for the masses. This theme is emphasized throughout the series, and never so well-depicted as in Part III. ***Spoiler*** This episode ultimately ends tragically, as Wong realises that in fighting to "save face" and win honour for his people, he has in reality failed them. As such, the film (in a somewhat didactic approach) deviates from the stereotypical kung-fu-hero-kills-all-the-baddies-and-saves-the-day ending in an attempt to teach its audience just what it really means to fight for your country - that it isn't just scrabbling for some abstract, pedantic bragging rights, but to be prepared to make sacrifices to bring about change that is real and good. For those who just want to watch some chop-socking action, catch the first film. But if you're looking for some insight into the source of Chinese nationalistic fervour, and what drives a man to put everything at stake for family and country, this really is one of the essentials.
drngor In order to unite the people of China and strengthen their spirit, the Qing government decides to hold a lion dance competition to promote the study of kung fu. This only leads to violence and conflict. Wong Fei Hung, who is visiting Beijing, sees this and is disgusted by the way it's being handled. However, his efforts to get through to the government are futile. He finds himself having to join the competition when he discovers a plot by the Russians to assassinate President Li Hung Chang.This was the first movie in the OUATIC series that I saw. I was actually quite disappointed when I first saw it. I thought the fighting lacked intensity and the end seemed anti-climatic. It's not that the choreography is bad. Jet looks fit and is in great fighting shape for the film. However, there are no good one-on-one battles for him. His duel with Xiong Xin Xin in the street is short and disappointing, as is the finale against the head of the oil factory. The lion dance scenes are cool.The story on the other hand, is really good. It has just the right amount of romance, humor, and historical background to sustain itself between the fight scenes. This would be the last of the truly historically relevant entries of the series, as the following films were either over-the-top or would not even focus on historical matters.Overall, this is good watching. This is not one of Jet's greatest performances fighting-wise. The story makes up for it. Oh, and let me add that Rosamund Kwan is cuter than ever in this movie.
Anonymoo-2 Jet Li's "acting" series whips around for a third time in this somewhat disappointing movie. I say "disappointing" because all his previous movies were more about the fighting and less about character development and goofy love triangles. Not that character development is a bad thing, I just feel that it doesn't have much place in a kung-fu film, and ESPECIALLY a Tsui Hark film. While break-dancer Club Foot does some incredible kicks, his character really drops low in the last half hour of the movie, and you wonder why the directors make him do what he does. Jet Li does some incredible fighting as the famous Wong Fei-Hung, but I was truly hoping that Tianbao from "Tai Ji Zhang San Feng" would come in and start a GOOD fight amidst all this lion-dancing crap. C'mon, I wanna see poles, swords, three-part staffs, and nunchaku, not these cumbersome lion masks!